C.72 Sembuh Temple

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Shawn hopped in the clear fresh water. Revolver looked at him swimming, "Come on! Let's swim!" Revolver looks shy about getting in, "i forgot to bring clothes to change..." Revolver said. Shawn was confused, "Hey i don't bring them too but i just take my shirt off to wear it later!" Shawn explained. Revolver looks away, "i dont wanna take my clothes off."

Hearing Revolver's remarks, Shawn understands, "Ohh are you insecure of your body? I won't judge i promise." Shawn assures, "well, im... im insecure of my scars..." Shawn's ears perked up, "Ohh, i respect that. Your scars are like your past, if you don't wanna open it up it's okay." Shawn smiled, "hmm." Revolver looked around, "you know what, there isn't that much people here anyway." he slowly takes his shirt off and try to cover his torso area while doing so. "Hey you don't have to do that if you don't wanna..." Shawn reassures, "no. i trust you. not everyday someone wants to take me somewhere and trust me like that." Revolver commits and fully took off his shirt, showing scars around his chest and even back. He takes off his jean as well and dive in to the water with only wearing shorts.

Shawn looks at Revolver as he rise up and flipped his wet hair back. He doesn't want to seem judgemental, but he just feels sad about what Revolver went through. "What happened?" Shawn curiously asked, "childhood stuff. i got a bad childhood filled with violence and crimes. these scars i got from beating or scratches. these scars, it just stays with you." Revolver explained. "Oh im so sorry about that." Shawn apologized, "its whatevs." Revolver shrugged it off.

After a small silence, Shawn asked Revolver to go inside the mouth of the temple, "Hey, the healing waters work better inside the mouth. Let's go in!" Shawn swim towards the mouth of the temple. Revolver slowly followed while looking at the cave like entrance. 

Shawn stopped at the end of the temple where there's a small waterfall coming out of the sky hole, it came from the water source at the top of the hill. "Come on! This is the good water here!" Shawn asked Revolver to go to the waterfall.

Shawn stepped aside to give room to Revolver, and as he goes under the waterfall, he feels the clear water goes through his fur and scars. Revolver was shocked from this feeling, it's as if the water has cleaned all the dirt and wounds from his body.

"That feels good right?? I love to go here after working out, it helps with the muscle strains! And hey, talking about working out, do you work out too?" Shawn asked, "well. i kinda do, just at my home though." Revolver answered shyly, "Ahh, no wonder. Your body is well built, not big or buff though, just well built. It's better than the average body." Shawn said, "oh, thanks." Shawn then asked again, "Hey, maybe we should workout together once. It's better to work out together, just encouraging one another you know." Revolver thinks about his request, "hmm, usually people take their clothes off when they work out right? can i keep mine though?" Revolver asked, "Wear what you're comfortable with dude, you don't gotta show your body if you don't want to!" Revolver nodded and smiled. "sure, let's workout together sometimes." Shawn is excited too, "Yay! Work out buddies!!!"

Shawn hopped out of the water filled area of the temple, "Hey, let's go up this temple, through these stairs." Shawn points at a spiraling stone stairway with holes from above lighting up the stairway. Revolver hopped off the water too and followed Shawn upstairs.

At the top of the temple, Shawn sat down and Revolver sits next to him. Shawn paid attention to Revolver who's sitting straight next to him, "You know dude, i'm proud of you. You said you're afraid to show your body scars but here you are sitting a top of everything with your chest out. That's inspirational..." Shawn compliments Revolver. "oh, its nothing really. i guess if there isnt any people that look at me that way it won't be bad. some people think i'm dangerous when they look at my scars." Shawn listened, "they think i got into a lot of fights and got all this scars. even though some of the time i fight because i was attacked, not the opposite. and i hate how they think im the opressor..." Revolver vents. Shawn feels empathy, "Aww Revolver. I feel bad for you, all your life you're always being painted as a bad person just based on how you look like. I hate when people judge you like that, especially for a person as nice as you." Revolver looked at Shawn, "You think im nice?" Shawn looked back, "Yeah, you're a nice guy. You helped Ella out, you help Andrew's band out. You're a nice dude!" Shawn smiled, Revolver smiled and look away because he hasn't been told like that before.

"Hey, how's your body now?" Shawn asked, "its better, i cant believe it worked." Revolver said with a slight smile, "Do you got a job rev? Cause i got a job for you." Shawn offered Revolver a job, "what is it?" Revolver raised his eyebrow. "After observing you for a while, you got a hidden talent." Revolver listened, "Not only that you're nice. You're protective. No matter what fights you got into, you know your priority, you know who and what to protect..."

"Revolver. I got a security / bodyguard job for you!" Shawn offered. "who will i protect?" Revolver asked, "Well you will work with a security company and when someone ordered a bodyguard or some security, you will go there and protect them. How about it? You want the job?" Shawn asked, Revolver think about it for a second but knowing how he needs that money for medical reasons and food, he accepted the job offer. "okay shawn, i want the job. when do i start?" Revolver asked, "You can start tomorrow, i'll contact them to tell them that you want the job. Good luck on your new job rev!" Shawn smiled, Revolver is happy too knowing that he got a new job.

After swimming they all went home and go back to their day to day activity, except that now Revolver got a job.

24 June 2024

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