C.62 Elk Forest, Tamarind Coral

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After leaving the highway, they drive through a paved road that slowly gets smaller and more rockier as it goes on. Even though Flame is driving in the morning darkness, he knows his way around. 

It is now 04.04 in the morning.

"So CHris. WHat are we looking for Here?" Flame asked the wide awake Chris, "Something, just something here. Anything." Chris said while looking around the dark forest through his passenger window. Scott is sleeping at the back seat while Flame and Chris are at the front.

"Dude, How could we even find Him. It's so dark." Flame said while driving slowly. "Soon enough we can see with the morning sun, it's gonna be good." Chris reassured.

The rocky road reached a point where using a car won't be possible. The two stepped outside to check their surrounding, the forest is dark and the only sound they can hear is the van's engine and crickets. They're standing on a small flat ground with woods surrounding it, a wooden sign dimly lighted by the stars is seen next to a path. "Cigar Temple. That's our lead, after it gets slightly brighter..." Chris checked his phone to look at the clock, "At 4.30 we'll walk there okay." Chris said, "Okay, i gotta wake up Scott first tHen, let's just wait at tHe van."

Chris and Flame walked back to the van and now they turned on the lights.

While Chris comes up with a plan on what to do next, Flame goes to the backseat to talk to Scott.

"Yo Scott, wake up we're Here dude." Flame shakes Scott. He woke up with slanted eyes and looked around, "We're here now?" He asked, "Yeah, we're Here now." Scott sits up to be greeted by the dark and endless branches and leaves. "creeepyyyy." He said while smiling and looking around.

"You know, this reminds me of this Miracle Musical song Murders, this is the type of forest where the Erl king comes to kill the lover." Scott explained, "Miracle Musical? Like that Tally Hall side project?" Flame continued, "Yeah! With Hawaii Part ii, aka one of the best albums of all time! I loveee rap and hearing Labyrinth for the first time makes me jump in joy! It's such a good and diverse album, i love everything about it. I even have this small miracle musical themed knife i made once." Scott fixates on Miracle Musical.

Chris overheard their conversation, "You guys are talking about Tally Hall?" Chris joined in, "YeaH. Not my fav band but it's a fun band." Flame adds, Scott then continues, "Maybe not your fav band, but it is one of my favs. I'm so into theater core, it's good music! Did you know they make a song about time called The Ruler of Everything?"

While Scott over explained the Tally Hall lore. Chris noticed a light coming out of the deep forest.

"Hey guys, you see that?" Chris asked, "WHat do you see Chris?" Flame asked noticing the focused Chris, "I see a light, it's oddly green." Chris describes, "HuH, could it be some warning ligHts?" Flame tried to explain, "Or maybe is the goo monster..." Scott adds, "The what?" Chris looked back, "The goo monster of Tamarind Coral, i remember reading it on Yt Shorts! It's a monster that lurks in the forest at night to eat wandering travelers!" Scott retells, Chris was too focused and too tired to believe what Scott is saying, "Hmm, ghosts aren't real." Chris said, "What? You don't believe in ghosts! It's proven many times!" Scott is shocked, "Most of them are fake proofs though..." Chris argues, "Nuh uh, they're real!" Chris stopped listening to Scott and looked back outside. "Huh." Chris was confused because the green light he saw earlier was now gone.

Chris panicked and stepped outside the car, "The green light, where is it?" Chris looked around, Flame poked his head out the driver's window, "Hmm, yeaH wHere did it go?" Chris goes back inside the van and grabbed his bag. "Here take this, we're going out now." Chris hands Flame and Scott flashlights.

Flame and Scott looked at each other before stepping out, "Jeeezzz, i got a coat on but it's still cold!" Scott holds his arms because of the cold, "Come on let's go, it's getting brighter as the minutes goes on." Chris walked first, Flame holds Scott's hand as they followed Chris.

It is now 4.26 in the morning.

The trio started their walk into the 1km path leading to Cigar Temple, "Ella and some tourists walked through here, the train is nearby too and the only way to go to the nearest town is through this path. There's no way my big brother won't walk through here." Chris thoughts.

The sky is slowly getting brighter while some remaining lights of the moon shines through the leaves from above. The three made their way, slowly getting deeper and deeper into the path. They looked around to see where that green light could've been.

"Oooohhh this really feels like Slenderman!" Scott comments, "YeaH and we just gotta wait for tHe dark tall entity to come and get us!" Flame joked, Chris only smiled and roll his eyes from hearing the joke.

Although, unknown to the trio in the woods. That simple comment Flame made to lighten up the mood might be truer than they expected.

Nearby the path on the left side of it, stands an old cabin with no lights.

"Hey CHris look, it's a cabin." Flame points it out, Chris is confused but intrigued at the cabin in the wood.

Scott was about to walk to the cabin but Chris stopped him, "Wait. It could be dangerous." Scott stopped, "You're just paranoid from the dark Chris, let's go!" Chris's paranoia was correct.

Inside one of the windows in the cabin they see two small green light.

"It's tHat green ligHt again." Flame points out, "Is it a lamp or?" While the three looks at it carefully, Chris came to a terrifying conclusion. "Guys. That's not a lamp."

Flame and Scott looked at the terrified face of Chris

"Those are eyes.

They heard a deep laughter before the eyes disappeared.

"Chris, the little brother of Thomas? You were stupid enough to come..." Stepping outside the cabin door, Standing 6 feet tall is the black snake with green lit eyes and dressed in dark royal clothing.

The King of Marsh Kingdom.

King Lunar.

12 April 2024

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