C.29 Skate Wars

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The two dogs skates away as the three kids chased them down in their skateboards.

"Let's just leave this park lil bro." Andrew said to Finn as they both skates through, "NO! Look what they did to you dude, we gotta get revenge on them!" Finn denied Andrew's wish, "Dude we'll get revenge later when we call the cops or something okay. Right now it's dangerous and i don't want you to get hurt." Andrew denied Finn's plans.

Finn doesn't respond and only looked back at the three kids chasing them, "Finn there's the stairs! Come on let's go." Andrew hopped off his skate board and walked up the stairs but Finn didn't walk up the stairs.

"Finn come on!" Andrew tried to pull his little brother up but he won't move. Finn is already angry at those skater kids and the only way he can calm down is to fight them.

But as the skater kids come to the two dogs, suddenly another skater came in to break the fight.

"The Bandit Kidss! Get out of here you!" The arctic fox that was mentioned earlier came in with her skater gang to break the fight. "Goddamn you Glaze! Another victim lost!" The lizard kid yelled. "Men! Get them!" She commanded her guards to get the Bandit Kids but they fled as fast as they arrived.

"You two must be new to this place, come here come here." The arctic fox asked Andrew and Finn to follow them. The two dog brothers hesitate at first but because they saved them, the two brothers followed them.

The arctic fox and her guards take the dogs to an area under a skating bridge arch. The bridge have flower decorations all over the place and candles lighting up the area underneath it. Because the bridge is quite deep, the area down there is dark and combined with the ever sinking sun the candle only lit up the place quiet dimly.

"Welcome to the Glaze territory. We thrive here by making nice with the local people and treat others kindly." The arctic fox said.

She is the leader of the Glaze territory and just like the The Bandit Kids, she and her guards are also around the age of 10-13. "Glaze territory? In my life in skating i never seen something like this." Andrew said. "Yes! And that's the problem. For some reason something happened in this skate park that fractured the bond between skaters, and now everyone just skate at their own territories." The arctic fox girl explained.

"But i swear we've been here yesterday as well and there isn't any territory and all that!" Finn complained, "Well usually around the afternoon times before the dark that's when all these kids will start to claim their territories and protect them, even starting wars over trespassers."

Andrew looked extremely disappointed, "Hmm, that's just crazy talk. Skaters aren't suppose to fight each other like that and hang out with only certain people. That's bullshit!" Andrew said angrily. "Yes i couldn't agree with you more. I want to have peace in the skate park just like how it used to be, skating is suppose to be fun and free and not controlling and lame! I wanna bring peace to this skate park but i'm just another kid. I can't control other kids like that." The arctic fox worried.

Finn started to think about what she just said and he has a plan, "Hey arctic fox lady! If you want someone that can calm down people fighting it would be my big brother Andrew!" Finn said as he taps his big brother's shoulders. "Huh why me?" Andrew asked, "Every time i got mad over something he would always find a way to calm me down somehow, either if it's by giving me my favorite snacks and other stuff too! I think if you want to find someone who's mature and calm my big brother can totally fit that role!" Finn explained.

"Oh yeah yeah i guess i'm good at that." Andrew smiled.

The arctic fox girl started thinking, "Hmm. You two are such great peacemakers! Especially the big one!" The arctic fox girl happily said. "Oh yeah the big one." Andrew replied awkwardly. "Can you guys help me out making peace in The Wolf Skate Park then? I would be very happy and we might even pay you guys too!" The arctic fox girl begged.

The duo of canines started thinking about the situation.

They turned their backs and whispered to each other. "Yknow Big Drew i know you're good at calming me down but that's because i'm your brother mate. We are blood related! So that's easier for you to do because we've been together for as long as i stayed on this earth. How are you gonna make peace with everyone on this skating park?" Finn asked. "Hmm, that is a good point lil bro, but trust me. I learned from dealing with you so i know how it feels to be talked down like that. It almost worked earlier when i taught them some lessons but instead they fight back in anger. Maybe there's a way to stop that anger?" Andrew explicate. "To stop them from being angry is to kill them!" Finn joked. "Yeah! If there's no people to begin with there will be no problems!"

*Clearing Throat*

"You know that we can hear you guys right?" The arctic fox said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh you guys can hear us? We were just joking haha!" Andrew fake laughed.

The two barkers whispered again, "Okay our first plan is to whisper more quiet this time okay." Andrew said to Finn, "okayyy." Finn said in the quietest voice he can do.

"But i think i know how to make peace with everyone here and it has something to do about what that arctic girl said earlier." Andrew got a plan. "What she said?" Finn asked.

This time around their whispering was quiet enough that i won't be writing what they said here.

They have a secret plan on making peace with everyone and everyone will see what they will do later...

28 July 2023

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