Bring on the Witches

692 9 66

Snowy: what's up witches

Luzura: is this a group chat? R my friends added too.

Snowy: Yes to both

Everyone come online

Luzura: hey guys

Mittens: hi sweet potato

Illusionist: Hey Luz

Needs Therapy:  1) y am I here? 2) y is this my name?

Snowy: 1) because I say so and 2) because YOU NEED THERAPY.

Needs Therapy: do not

Adults: YES YOU DO!

Needs Therapy: ...

Flower: Why are we here

Luzura and Geode: why not?

Needs Therapy:  Oh Titan there's 2 of them.

Dadrius: one is enough.

Trouble 1: yay I'm first for once

Snowy:  because u get into more trouble than Hunter.

Trouble 2: ha

Needs Therapy: HEY

Dadrius: you crashed blimp

Flower: in his defense he was trying to save the team.

Needs Therapy: thanks captain

Luzura: *COUGH* crush *COUGH*

Needs Therapy: zip it

Songbird: this is chaos

Owl Lady: hi raine

Songbird: ifur6sivfdsrhvdd

LuLu: as fun as this is it's getting late

Dadrius: agreed

Everyone offline

Snowy: Let the chaos begin

'Snowy goes offline'

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