More children and Other Stuff

252 5 18

Darius: Hunter could you explain something

Hunter: ?

Raine: why is there child in your room?

Amity: Wait really

Hunter: Oh that's Collector he's my new brother

Luz: ?!

Luz: Did he just adopt someone

Eda: HA looks like you have another child to care for Dari

Darius: Do I have any say in this 

Hunter: If I have to go to therapy you have to put with another child

Edric: Did he just

Emira: He did

Amity: He use going to therapy against you

Darius: fine


Gus: Guys we've made a list of Hunter abilities so far.

Eda: let's hear it goop

Gus: can understand palismen,

Luz: immune to Boiling 🌧/ 🌊

Amity: turns into a bird beast


Collector joins the chat.

Collector: What is this

Luz: Snowy you gave god-like child a phone/scroll?!

Snowy come online

Snowy: For once it wasn't me

Snowy goes  offline

Lilith: if she didn't who did

Collector: Hunter got it for me

Hunter: This was the only to keep him from throwing a tantrum when I'm not around

Gus: Where r u 

Hunter: Hiding

Amity: from who?

Hunter: Four guesses

Eda: King?

Hunter: that's one

Lilith: Luz?

Hunter: that's 2

Amity: Gus?

Hunter: that's 3

Raine: Collector?

Hunter: all 4 r correct

Anne: Hey how old r u kids?

Luz: Amity, Willow r 14, Gus is 12 and Hunter is 16

Camila: Wait he is only 16 and he has been abused!?

Amity: yes

Camila: Por qué voy a asesinar la excusa lamentable de un guardián que se atrevería a lastimar a un niño.

Darius: I agree with you there

Lilith: How did you understand her?

Darius: Luz likes to come over and check on Hunter 

Darius: and she has bad habit of speaking Spanish and it come in handy

Luz: Shoot mom is in the toh

Gus: Found Hunter

Luz: Where is he?

King: Tell us

Gus: I saw him sneak into the school

Luz: King and I will get Collector and meet u there

Amity: Willow and I can come 

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