Hunter's new brother

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Hunter went into Belos' workshop, as he was walking he came upon a table with something on it. It was a tablet with a sun and moon design on it. Hunter barely touched it a familiar shadow came out. It was the being he remember to called Collector. "What is Phil....wait you're not Philip? You're his grim-walker aren't you?" The collector asked sounding like a little kid. Is he a kid? But he's older than everyone on the isle? 

Hunter gave a slight nod trying not be scared of the god-like child. Collector smile changed looking a little nervous. "I never talked to anyone but Philip. by the where is he?" the child didn't seemed to know what was going on. "Belos is going to be petrified for his crimes and I'm here to talk to you." Hunter stated almost gently. Hunter notice the key with titan's blood in it on the table. He put what little blood was left on the tablet.

Next thing he saw a little boy with tan skin with half of his face blue with star freckles and silvery white hair. He wore what looked like dark and light purple pajamas with sun and moon designs on them. At first Collector look happy to be free then he started to look sad as he said, "But he promised to free me. did he lie to me?" Hunter winced at how upset this child-of-the-stars got but he nodded. 

He looked up at the grim-walker in front of him, Hunter explained Belos' real plan. "So he just used me?" Collector sounded hurt. Hunter knew how the other felt as he was also in the same position before. "He used both of us." Hunter sighed as he sat next to the kid.

"Why did you free me after everything done when I helped Philip?" Hunter thought about the kid's question. Hunter looked at but he didn't see an all powerful entity, no, all he saw was child who has been miss treated.

"You and I are alike in some ways. We were both tricked by someone we thought cared about us. Only to be used and left to rot." Hunter felt tears pricking at his eyes, "But we both deserve another chance." Hunter gave a warm smile and with out thinking he pulled the star child into a hug. "If you promise to pay nice I promise took protect you." Hunter said he pulls away from the hug.

"Promise?" Collector asked. Collector stuck his finger out hunter wrapped his around it. The two stood up as they left the workshop. 

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