Adults Chat

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Snowy makes an adult only group chat and added the adults

Eda: Now that we don't have the kids in this 


Darius: *sigh* After he and Luz got out of HIS mind Raine, Eber and I found him panicking

Eber: lknndlfjhddp;fjds;ddjfsjdfjdlsdz (he had feathers coming out of skin)

Raine: when we finally got him to calm down, I could have sworn I saw his sclera turn black for a moment

Raine: not to be rude but do you know how freaky that was with his bright magenta irises

Lilith: Maybe we should keep an eye on him

Camila: I know I'm new to all this but can you guys please explain your relationship with him so I understand some of this?

explaining  the dynamic

Camila: so Eda and Darius are Hunter's adopted parents but they have no relation with each other. Raine is his parent and Lilith is his adopted aunt. Eber is his uncle and this collector kid are his brothers with Darius. Luz and...King?... are his younger sister and brother when he his with Eda

Raine: that about correct

Camila: How bad was for hunter?

Lilith:. . .

Eda:. . .

Eber:. . .

Alador: Raine, you and Darius tell her first.

Raine: y us?

Lilith: you guys know him better

Darius: Anyways 

Darius: Hunter has been abused to point he flinches at even slightest touch

Raine: He looks down on himself and over work himself

Eda: the kid has doesn't get much sleep or food

Lilith: He has trust issues

Camila: and all of this was done by someone he thought was family?

Alador: yep

Camila: Ese hombre es un hijo toxico del diablo si pensaba que abusar fisica y mentalmente de un niño que lo admiraba era algo bueno deberia morir en las profundidades ardientes del infierno

Eda: Darius?

Darius: I am so glad Luz insists on teaching Hunter Spanish

Darius: She said "that man is a toxic son of the devil if he thought physically and mentally abusing a child who looked up to him was a good thing should die in the fiery deeps of hell" I'm pretty sure

Camila: on the mark

Camila: Mr. Deamonne, if you and Eda are okay with it maybe have Hunter stay in the human world when the isle gets too much for him

Lilith: It would be good for hunter

Darius: I'll keep that in mind

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