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Me and daiki had just finished doing our morning routines. We woke up pretty late but to our surprise, his dad was still sleeping. Daiki described it as "a big hairless grizzly bear in hibernation".

We tiptoed to the kitchen still in our night clothes.

"What kind of muffins Daiki?" I asked. The boy hummed placing a hand on his chin. He cutely began tapping his feet trying to think of what kind of muffins would be good to eat.

"Banana nut, and chocolate chip!" he said. I laughed at his excitement and went around in the huge kitchen gathering the ingredients. We soon started. We were playing music softly while discussing things that an adult and a child would while making the muffins.

"Bubble guppies is better team Umizoomi!" I said to the boy. At first, we were in a debate about which bubble guppies song is the best then Daiki brought up team umizoomi.

"What makes it better?" he asked helping me pour the mixture into muffin cups.

"The songs! The plot!" I said. He shook his head and simply said no.

"Okay, okay. Little Einsteins vs. Wonder Pets." I said. That was tough for me to answer so I understood why Daiki was pondering on an answer.

"I'm not choosing. But I can tell you that Thomas and Friends is boring" he said. I pointed at him and nodded. I couldn't agree more.

"And it's creepy!" I said. He nodded agreeing with me. soon we started making the breakfast bowls. We had been talking about all kinds of cartoons and animes. Daiki had told me about how he went to Japan and even lived there for a few years. He showed me how good he was at speaking Japanese too. Daiki was so smart and educated for his age.

"Have you ever been to Japan?" he asked me. I shook my head no.

"Why?" he asked dumping potatoes on the preheated pan.

"Because I have to work, and make enough money," I said. He pouted and suddenly hugged me.

"When I'm 21 I'm going to bring you to Japan!" he said. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Why 21," I asked. He hummed and looked around before answering.

"Because we can leave Dad at home," he said. We both laughed.


Once we finished cooking I started setting the table. Daiki had told me that his dad had no allergies to any of the food I cooked so I fixed his plate for him. Once the food was on the table I made some coffee, I wanted it to be hot and ready.

Once the coffee was done I told Daiki to wake up his dad. He giggled and ran to wake the man up. I already knew that he was going to scare the shit out of his dad. About 10 minutes later Daiki and his dad came downstairs. His dad had intense bedhead, he was shirtless, and his eyes were extremely low. I shamelessly looked the man up and down. He wore the famous pajama pants. I forced myself to look away before I got caught.

"Good morning sir," I said. He looked at me and muttered morning. His voice was deep and raspy. It was so attractive. Daiki led him over to his spot and he sat down. Then Daiki made his way over to his spot and began eating.

"How do you like your coffee Yami?" I asked.

"Just give it to me straight black, I need it" he muttered again. I laughed and poured him some coffee. I And Daiki drank cranberry juice.

Once the man began eating he moaned softly catching my attention.

"Like it?" I asked. Hu hmmed and kept eating the food.

"The food that you left me last night was great too," he said. I smiled and nodded and kept eating my food.

"Dad. Team umizoomi or bubble guppies?" Daiki asked. I and Daiki kept intense eye contact with his dad waiting on an answer. He looked in between us and swallowed his food.

"Team Umizoomi for the plot and bubble guppies for the songs," he said nodding to himself. I and Daiki looked at each other and laughed.

"No! It's a tie!" he said. I laughed even more at his disappointment.

"We both win!" I said. The boy poked out his lip trying not to smile.

His dad ended up joining in on our childish debates. I couldn't help but notice that he even snuck in a little flirting, making sly comments at me. It was pathetic how flustered I would get.

Soon we all finished eating. Both Yami and Daiki went for seconds.

We were all washing the dishes while joking about random things, and making each other laugh.

I could honestly say that after today we and Yami had become friends.


Y'all I have writer's block like a bitch rn😭 I can't draw either wtf

I had to fix the mistakes

Edit: I'm back ^^

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