Chapter 11

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I couldn't explain the amount of bitterness that settled at the pit of my stomach as Victor labeled my name with his. It made me angry. More angry that what he said is true. He took me to the said room where we would be staying. For the life of me, my room is way more better than the room. Not even close to my room. And he expect me to share a room that is close to nothing with him. "You can choose either of the side you want to take" He gestured to the bed. I didn't answer him but access the medium sized bed.

"As for your clothes, you can take the wardrobe"

"What about you?" I found my mouth opening to ask without control. His brows creased in confusion as if he wasn't expecting the question from me. "Don't worry" I corrected proceeding to test the bed. Not when I felt as if I sat down on a rock.

"What the hell is this? A rock?" I jerked off massaging my behind.

"A bed of course" Victor answered while he made his way towards a door. The bathroom I think.

I followed suit. "I know it's a bed. But why is it like that . How do I sleep on it?" I almost collided with his chest as he abruptly turned around. I mentally scold myself for moving too fast. "Watch where you're going next time" He said coldly. I wanted to answer him but decided to just keep quite. After all, I will only waste my energy.

"The bathroom" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes in return. "The bathroom is too small" I mumbled under my breath. I don't know whether he heard me and decided not to talk or he just didn't know what to say.

"Go freshen up" I said getting out of the bathroom. He threw me a look. "Meaning?"

"I don't like the smell of your perfume" I think I took him by surprise as he opened his mouth and closed it again. He should know by now what he's getting himself into.

He marched to the wardrobe and grabbed some clothes before sauntering to the bathroom. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I access the room once again. This is definitely a cheap house. The ceiling are a shade of sand. As of it hasn't been painted for years.

The walls are dull and bleak. I wonder how he lives in this kind of house. I fished out my phone from my bag and dialed Stacy number. "Now that you're married you have decided to forget your die hard friend" I rolled my eyes in return.

"Cut that from your mouth Stacy. That is not the reason why I'm calling"

"Why? Don't tell me Vi-"

"If you see the house he brought me in. You won't believe it. A total garbage" I irked thinking about how dull the walls look like.

"You can't be serious Elena" Her high pitch voice followed.

"I'm very much serious. Hold on. Will call you back in a minute" I ended the call and took a picture of the room. I could hear the sound of shower. I sent them over to Stacy before calling her again.

"He can't be serious!" She yelled out. Well, even Stacy knows the house is a total garbage.

"I know right. And he expect me to share a bed with him. Like the bed that will not even contain myself" I said with a roll of an eye. My face snapped towards the sound of the bathroom door opening.

"Even my salary will buy more than five type of this house" I purposely said side eyeing Victor that stepped out of the bathroom.

"Are you sure of that?" Came Stacy's answer. Thank God the phone wasn't on speaker mode if not her answers will spoil everything. "You know the kind of person I am. I don't succumb to cheap things. Anyways, we will talk tomorrow. I need to freshen up" And I ended the call before she could reply and probably due to the look Victor was passing at me.

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