Chapter 1

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Snow sat in her room, surrounded by piles of books. She had always preferred books to people - they never judged her, never hurt her. As she read her favorite novel, she became lost in its world. The characters seemed more real to her than the people in her own life. She was so absorbed in the story that she didn't notice herself drifting off to sleep.

In her dream, she was the main character of her favorite book. She was rich, beautiful, and had everything she ever wanted. The world was her oyster, and she reveled in her newfound power. For once, she didn't feel small and insignificant. She was the star of her own story.

But all dreams must come to an end, and Snow woke up to reality. She was no longer the rich, beautiful girl of her dreams. She was just plain old Snow, living in a small apartment with her alcoholic father. She was disappointed that her dream wasn't real, but she tried to shake off the feeling and went about her day.

As Snow walked down the street to her part-time job, she saw two girls giggling and talking. They looked so happy and carefree, and Snow couldn't help but feel envious. She had never had any close friends, and the loneliness was starting to weigh on her.

I have a friend named Lily, but we only talk I think once a month? We're not that close though, but she's really good at giving life advices. Still thankful that she's part of my life.

"Hey Snow!" a voice called out, interrupting her thoughts. She turned to see her neighbor, Mrs. Kim, waving at her. Mrs. Kim was one of the few people who had been kind to Snow since she moved in.

"Hello, Mrs. Kim," Snow replied, trying to sound friendly.

"I noticed you looked a little down. Is everything okay?" Mrs. Kim asked.

Snow hesitated for a moment before replying. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, I guess."

Mrs. Kim gave her a sympathetic smile. "Well, if you ever need to talk, you know where to find me."

Snow nodded and continued on her way to work. She appreciated Mrs. Kim's kindness, but she couldn't help feeling like she was just a charity case. She didn't want people to feel sorry for her, she just wanted to be accepted, and... to be rich.

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