✧ 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯 ✧

91 10 4

"Oh my God, you're alive!" Jisung cried as Felix stepped through the doorway into his apartment. "I was just about to call you, I really thought he slaughtered you or something." 

He went up to Felix and took his backpack off of him, looking him up and down with worried eyes. Felix however seemed calmer than his friends expected to see him as soon as he got home. Seungmin and Jeongin sat together in the living room from where they looked out into the hallway, already beckoning the entrant to join them. Jisung took Felix's hand and walked him to his friends, the backpack slung over his shoulder. 

"Seungmin told me what's happened. Are you okay?" Jeongin greeted the older, patting the empty space on the couch next to him. 

The freckled boy merely nodded, not knowing how to put his encounter into words just yet. It wasn't terrible, not by a long shot, but still he didn't know if the meeting with Hyunjin went exceptionally well compared to meetings Hyunjin had had before. The conversations the two had were pure back and forth. Sometimes Hyunjin seemed to be very cooperative, sometimes it seemed as if he was about to cut Felix's throat. Intimidating would be the first word Felix would've used to describe him.

"Honestly, I think it went okay-ish. I mean..." Felix finally looked up at his friends and forced a slight smile, "I'm here and I'm unharmed."

"Physically, yes. Mentally you're a corpse, I could sense that when you were still at your office" Seungmin joked. "Do you want to drink something?" He got up and went into the open kitchen, which was connected to the living room. "Any of you?"

Jisung raised a hand. "You got Monster by chance?"

All three looked at him simultaneously with the same fierce look, leaving Jisung confused, not knowing if he said something wrong. It was never a good idea to feed Jisung energy, especially because without it he was already always hyper and super lively. With energy it only became much more intense, and now was not the time for wild jumping around and loud sing-screaming.

"No" Seungmin lied, "we don't. I have water for you."

Jisung sighed, not even giving an answer to that since he knew, he had no choice as to take the glass of water Seungmin was filling at the very moment. 

"I'd like energy though, Seungmin. I gotta stay awake for a bit..." Felix called and received a nod and a hum from Seungmin.


"Me too, please" Jeongin chimed in.

Now Jisung was really confused, his mouth hung wide open and his eyebrows furrowed as if he had been accused of something he had never done. "Wait, why do they get energy? You said you had none–"

"None for you, right." Seungmin came back from the kitchen, placing the glass of water on the table in front of the offended boy, then went back to the fridge to get three Monster energies which he placed on his, Felix's and Jeongin's side of the table.

"I hate y'all." Jisung crossed his arms and looked away from his friends, pulling his legs up to his body.

The others laughed heartily at the sight. Of course they just wanted to tease their friend, but the relationship between Jisung and energy drinks was truly terrible. However, Jeongin still felt a bit bad for him, so he pulled the glass of water over towards himself and exchanged it with his own drink.

At this, Jisung jumped up and literally fell into the youngest's lap, his arms found their way around him and squeezed tightly, swaying Jeongin around. "Ah, my lovely little young brother~ What only would I do without youuu?~"

"Do you have a death wish?!" Jeongin complained with a disgusted look on his face, squeezing his hands between him and the older to push him off.

"When I'm around you, always..." Jisung answered slightly disappointed, backing away to sit on his previous spot on the chair which was actually Felix's usual spot.

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