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You wake up to the sounds of your family causing a ruckus— as per usual— and get ready to start your boring day.

Boring? Well you don't have much items to play with, so most of the time you stare outside in the living room window or in your bedroom window. Of course, you have a TV, but you're not so interested in watching TV than your siblings do.

Now, today isn't a boring day! No-sir-ree! You were introduced to a certain show that caught your attention. You found this children show called "Welcome Home", and that's when you would REALLY get interested in the TV.

That show and that show only, you seem to really love it and relate to the characters a lot.

You got your neighbors:









and Home.

You loved all of them! But what really caught your attention was Wally. You seemed to be more interested in Wally than the other characters. Wally would be the first to greet you, and the last to say goodbye.

"Good morning neighbor!" or "Hello neighbor!" Wally would always say at the beginning of an episode. You slowly begin to pick up some catchphrases or most frequent quotes from the characters, and begin to get songs you end up whistling or humming to yourself all day long!

And now, by dear reader, is the beginning of your wonderous and life-changing adventure!

-End of Prologue

(A/N: Heya! This is my first story, and I hope you'll enjoy it. I'll try my best to be frequent and also taking my time to make these. Hope you're alright with that! Take care and remember Wally loves ya! :) )

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