Chapter 16: The Party

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You left your room, trying to not make the door creak loudly. You head downstairs and grabbed matches before going outside. You grabbed a coat and quietly went outside of your household. You went toward a main campsite for campers and set your match. You put the key inside the campfire and set a flame.
Good thing nothing happened to you that night. You got to see lovely insects that night though.

The next day, it was the party. You and your friends were having a blast! Playing games, telling stories, eating junk food, like a normal party! Then one of your friends said "Y/N, haven't you heard? The show you like, it got cancelled!". You were disappointed but also glad that it was cancelled. You didn't want to see that show anymore and remembering that awful place. "Yeah, but I'm fine with it. There wasn't any new episodes anyway." you responded. You didn't want to talk about what happened to you, because 1:
They won't believe you, and 2:
It's a rollercoaster and it sounds like a dream if you think about it.
So you decide not to.

"Yeah, and now the Playfellow Workshop won't respond an explanation. Isn't that weird?" one of your other friends said. "Yeah.. It kind of is, isn't it?" you nervously respond as you look at the drink you're holding. "Well, it doesn't matter now, we still have lots of games to play before the days out." you say in a cheerful tone as you gesture your other friends to play games. "You're right, come on guys!" your 1st friend said as your other friends left to play games. You were the only one left, and you decide to leave early.

You had to process what your friend said. It's over..
Welcome Home is over,
The Playfellow Workshop won't respond,
And you don't have to go to that nightmare of a place.

Good lord, you don't think you can see apples the same way ever again. That rotting smell, the entire place literally made of apples, and oh..
You didn't want to think about it anymore, you just wanted to forget that nightmare. Luckily, you're close to being done with highschool. Only 1 year left and your first decision is to get out of this place instantly.

Before the day was over, you decided to go out before dark. As it was twilight, you saw beautiful butterflies, fireflies, and flowerbeds around you. 'How beautiful' you thought to yourself as you're slowly walking around. It reminds you of T.O Frank and T.O Eddie. 'They were such wonderful neighbors.' you continued thinking. New idea, for your last project for art class, you would make a replica of T.O Frank's net. You finally came back to your home as it was almost curfew. You go to bed, ready for your summer break be a normal-a bit boring, but normal-day.

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