Chapter 2: Welcome Home!

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You nervously get in the hole and saw your home, but something's different about it.

You check around your "new" house, and realize that none of your families' rooms are there.
Only yours. Speaking of, you noticed how vibrant and colourful your rooms are. It almost reminds you of..

"No, it couldn't be. Could it?" you asked yourself. You looked at a mirror in your bathroom and noticed you're wearing a (comfy outfit) that has (favourite outdoor/indoor hobby you do) symbols with (favourite colour/colours) that adds the mood with your outfit.

You had the look you wanted, the (fav hair style you wanted) that's in the color you wanted as well!

*Knock knock*

You jumped a bit when someone was at your door. You opened it, and you were greeted with..

Wally?! Wait.. Something isn't right. What's with his eyes? You thought he had X's for eyes, but upon close inspection.. Thread? You have buttons for eyes?

"Ah, neighbor! I was hoping you'd answer! How have you been?" Wally spoke.

"I-I've been.. Confused?? Scared?" You nervously reply.

"Oh? Is it the fact that I have buttons for eyes?"

"More than that.."

"Don't worry about that, I'll tell you later. The question is, would you like to be with me and our neighbors for a party?"

You seem to still be a bit off ease, but it's glad to know that your dream kind of came true.
"Sure. Besides, it's rude not to!" you chuckle, as Wally laughs with you.

You and Wally leave your home-sorry, house. You come up to Home, but their pupils are buttons. You wave shyly, and you and Wal-.. The Other Wally, go inside to be greeted with all the other neighbors!

The Other Julie

The Other Sally

The Other Poppy

The Other Eddie

The Other Howdy

The Other Barnaby

and The Other Frank.

Of course, all of them have different shaped buttons. Some more oval shaped, some more circle shaped, but all of them are buttons.

"Hello (Y/N or N/N) !! Welcome Home" the other neighbors cried.

"We'd all been expecting your visit, and I'm so glad you'd come and visit." The Other Wally said

"We have all of your favourite sweets and treats! Wait.. Was it snacks and sweets?" Julie said as The Other Poppy and Barnaby chuckled.

-Quick Timeskip!-

You seat yourself down on one of the chairs that had the same symbol on your outfit, and it goes with all of the other chairs. Each object resembling every character, but you're not here for me to babble on about chairs!

The table had every food you like, including sweets and desserts. "Well, let's eat!" T.O. Barnaby said, and everyone got to have their share of the food. "How is it?" T.O. Wally asked. "It's really good!" you said, eating with your mouth full. "Me, Howdy, and Poppy made this just for you!" T.O Sally exclaimed, almost in a singing manner.

"Julie, Eddie, Barnaby, and I helped with the decorations" T.O Frank said in a matter-of-factly way. T.O Wally chuckles "Well, I guess everyone lend a helping hand."

"I'm still shocked about the whole.. Y'know. Button eyes situation." you say. Everyone stared at you. "Well, we aren't exactly what you see on TV, nor in your dreams. Think of us as your Other neighborhood. Your other home, away from all your troubles." T.O Wally explained. "Yeah," T.O Eddie added, "And whenever you can't reach us, I might be able to send you letters.. I think.". "But we forbid you to be here to skip school! Frankly, learning is more important." T.O Frank said.

"Heh," you smile, "Thanks, friends. I'm excited to get to know more about you guys.". "You are very welcome!" T.O Wally exclaimed, "Now, shall we get you back home? It's getting awfully dark out.". Everyone bid farewell to eachother and parted ways. You went back to your house and put on your pajamas that's your favourite color. You laid on your bed, and it felt like a cloud. The more sleepy you felt, the more you feel like you're slowly falling in the cloud.

You wake up to your old, boring room with sibling ruckuses.

Was that a dream? Was it real?

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