Chapter 8: The Ghosts

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You find yourself in a dark room, and you can't see a thing. You can tell this room is pretty small, don't ask me. I'm just the narrator. When your eyes slowly gets used to seeing in the dark, you notice 4 dimly lit things together. "Hello?" you ask, your voice trembling in fear.

"Hush, and shush, for The Apple Eyne might be listening" the unknown light things said softly. "You.. You mean The Other Wally?" you nervously ask. You pull the covers that's covering the 4 things (which you shouldn't do with something you don't know!!), revealing 4 ghosts.

The 4 ghosts seem to sound and somewhat look like children. Why? Because they are children! You stare at shock because you're looking at ghosts, ghost children to be specific. "Who are you?" you ask in a soft whispery tone.

"Don't remember our names.. But I remember my true family.." One of them respond.
"Why are you all here?" you ask.
"The Apple Eyne." all 4 of them said.

"He spied through our lives, through the TV's eyes." the 1st ghost said.
"And saw that we weren't happy," the 2nd ghost said.
"so he lured us away." the 3rd one said.
"With neighbors, and sweets, and games to play." the 4th ghost said.
"(They) Gave all that we asked." said the 1st.
"And yet we still wanted more." all 4 of them said.
"So, we let him sew the buttons." said the 2nd.
"They said they'd loved us," said the 3rd.
"but he locked us here and ate up our lives." said the 4th.

You felt sorry for these children and that they didn't get to spend the rest of their lifetime to do amazing things. Or you don't feel that, I don't really know you.

"Well," you pause, "He can't keep me in the dark forever. Not if he wants to live my life. Beating him, is my only chance.." you say.

"Perhaps if you do win your escape," the 1st ghost said floating close to you, "you can find your eyes!".

"Has he taken those too?" you ask, which was an odd question to ask.

"Yes miss/sir (optional!)" the 2nd ghost said.

"And hidden them." the 3rd ghost said.

"Find our eyes mistress/mister (optional!), and our souls will be freed." the 4th one said.

You stare down at the floor, choosing if you want to free these children or not. "I'll try." you finally spoke out, and then hands grab you from behind.

(A/N: Heya! This chapter took a lot longer than expected, had another writers block. I promise there's going to be another chapter, and it might be long. Very long, so stay tuned!)

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