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After some time, the sushi had arrived and the shepherd pie was done. Y/N placed two plates on the table while Wally set the utensils. She noticed that he was humming a song. He usually did that when he was feeling extremely happy. Y/N smiled and hummed along with him. Wally looked up at her and chuckled. He placed a slice of shepherd on both plates and set the packaged sushi at the middle of the table. Then, he rested his head on his hands and stared at Y/N as she ate a salmon sushi. Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"You're not eating?" She asked.

"I will but not right now." Wally replied.

"Come on, it feels weird to be the only one eating." Y/N commented before holding a sushi to him.

Wally sweated a little. He chomped on the sushi for a bit and it fell out of his mouth afterwards. He could not swallow no matter how hard he tried. Y/N was stunned. He grimaced and hid his face in his hands.

"I don't think I can eat food anymore..." He muttered.

"Hm, I don't think you can blink either. I hardly see you blinking." Y/N mentioned.

Wally frowned and stared at his shepherd pie. He blinked. Part of the shepherd pie that was on his plate had disappeared. Shocked, he fell backwards on his chair. Y/N rose from her chair.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she helped Wally stand up.

"I'm okay but did you see that?! I just ate that pie w-with my eyes! " Wally replied. "I guess I have to eat with my eyes from now on..."

Y/N kissed him on his cheek. Wally blushed and looked at her in bewilderment.

"At least you can still eat with me" Y/N said with a soft smile plastered on her face.

Wally chuckled, "Right."

After some time, both of them were finished eating. Wally washed the dishes while Y/N did the utensils. When that was done, they decided to watch some drama shows. Wally had his hand over Y/N's hand as they watched them. Y/N could not be happier than this. They were finally spending time together. Moreover, this was the perfect chance to tell him what was on her mind.

"Wally, I want to tell you something." Y/N announced as she faced him.

Wally smiled broadly as he faced her too.

"What is it?" He asked as he held her hands.

Finally, it's happening! She was finally going to tell him! Wally could not help but shake his legs repeatedly. He was just too excited! He had already come up with a bunch of names they could name their child. Oh, all the family stuff they could do. Going to the park, tossing frisbees, eating ice cream and tucking them in bed. He could hardly wait.

"I..." Y/N spoke.

"You're pregnant!" Wally exclaimed.

Y/N looked at him wide-eyed.

"I'm not pregnant..." She replied.

Wally frowned. He stopped shaking his legs and let go of her hands. He sat slightly away from her.

"I wanted to tell you that you don't have to work so hard. I've applied to the cafe near here and they accepted me. I start working next week. You can stop working the afternoons." Y/N said.

Wally sighed. He got his hopes up for nothing. He did not mind working tirelessly every week day. It was all for them to live comfortably after all. He did not mind.

"You don't have to work." Wally somberly said.

"I want to. Let me help you." Y/N said

Wally grimaced.

"I don't need help! I have always been fine working alone." Wally replied, his voice croaking.

His head started to hurt. It was all too much to bear. At this rate, he just wanted to go to bed and sleep. Y/N frowned and put her hand on his shoulder. She opened her mouth to speak but could not think of the words to say. Wally glared at her.

"If you have nothing better to say, then leave me alone!" Wally yelled before getting up and walking to the bedroom.

Then, he slammed the door shut.

Wally Darling x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now