Could we?

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Wally hasn't been out of the bed for a while. He felt guilty for yelling at Y/N last night. He did not want to but he did it anyways. He could not help it. He was too upset over the fact that she was not pregnant. They had tried to get a child for years beforehand. Eventually, they stopped trying. He knew Y/N being pregnant was too good to be true yet he still hope it was deep down. After receiving no good news for a long while, he decided to occupy himself with more work. It helped take his mind off it but he still felt upset.

"Wally?" Y/N called out as she slowly opened the door.

Wally glanced at her. Her face was stained with tears. He made her cry. Great, he felt even more bad now. Y/N walked over to the bed and sat down.

"You know why I wanted to work? I wanted to work so that we could spend more time together. We haven't been doing that for so long. I thought if I could help with the finance that you could have more time with me." Y/N explained.

Wally's eyes widened. Has he really been that distant? He must have been since she was feeling like this. Wally sat up from the bed and held Y/N's hands. He could feel her hands tremble. She must have been nervous to talk to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I yelled at you and for being so distant. I'm a bad husband." Wally stated.

Y/N smiled slightly. She cupped Wally's face and exhaled.

"You're not a bad husband. You're just a man who badly wanted some children, that's all." Y/N said. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to give you that..."

Y/N looked down. The one thing Wally wanted and she could not give. She felt like a failure. Both as a woman and a wife.

Wally Darling x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now