Hard Truths

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Wally's whole body trembled and quaked as he remembered that awful place. Y/N rubbed his back with a sad smile on her face.

"You don't have to tell me...It's okay." Y/N muttered.

"But I want to! You dont trust me! I've seen that look in your eyes and it pains me to know that my wife thinks I'm a imposter..." Wally spoke as his head drooped.

Y/N was astounded by what he said. The fact that it was true. Part of her feels so bad because of it. Y/N opened her mouth to say something back but no words came out. Then, she tried to rub his back but he scooted away from her. The both of them just sat in silence.

Y/N kept glancing at Wally. She really wanted to believe that he is her husband but at the same time, it is hard to do so. He does not look like him at all. He does not act like him at times. He is more loving and romantic than her husband could ever be. Y/N gripped her arms tightly on that last thought. She felt most loved today than any other days beforehand.

Wally got up and strolled to the bedroom without saying a word. Y/N sighed and rubbed her forehead. How was she going to fix this? Can this even be fixed? She picked up the remote and switched the television on in hopes of not thinking anymore. As she was watching a cartoon about a cat and a goldfish, an idea struck in her head. Maybe Wally's workplace could provide her some answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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