NINE. in which freedom is near

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chapter nine; in which freedom is near

❝ I swear to God, Stark, I'm about to turn you into roadkill

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I swear to God, Stark, I'm about to turn you into roadkill.

CHO ARRIVES HALF AN HOUR LATER, which is when Adelina had begun to wake up. Adelina goes to rub her eyes, but remembers the restraints. "When are you gonna let me go?" She asks in a small voice.

"When we know you won't harm everyone, or yourself." Natasha promises as Tony comes into Adelina's line of sight.

"Hi, you little devil." Tony starts, Adelina's eyes narrowing. He ignores Natasha as she nudges him with her elbow. "A little-" He looks to the short redhead. "birdie told me that you have a chip that needs extracting."

Adelina says nothing, only glaring at the man. She looks to the Asian doctor, who has a small smile on her face. It's not as disarming as the doctor thinks it is.

"FRIDAY, go ahead and scan for any foreign technologies in the room." Tony says to seemingly no one. Adelina flinches when a feminine voice comes from thin air.

"Scanning now, Mr. Stark..."

"It's just an AI," Natasha reassures the teenager, whispering softly in her ear. "Helps him do his rich douchebag activities."

Adelina's tense as the AI speaks again. "I've found one foreign technology in the hypothermis in the right thigh of Adelina Valieva."

Natasha can see Adelina about to run. "You're in the system." She quietly informs her. "In SHIELD's system, that's the only reason why FRIDAY knows your name."

"Alright, I can take it out." The Asian doctor nods before looking to Adelina. "I'm Dr. Cho."

"What is it, FRIDAY?" Tony inquires.

"It seems to be..." FRIDAY pauses. "A technological chip with a chemical that I can't identify. It seems to be secreting into Adelina's tissue, then into her bloodstream."

"Did you know about that? About the chemical?" Natasha looks to the girl in the chair.

"I..." Adelina racks her brain. "I think I should remember, but I don't..."

"Well, whatever the chemical is, I can't remove it. I can, however, remove the chip it comes from." Cho explains. "It shouldn't take more than half an hour. I can give you some light anesthes-"

"I don't want it." Adelina's eyes narrow. "I'm tired of drugs."

"Adelina, it'll hurt without it. I'm dissecting your leg. This isn't a painless process." Cho warns her.

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