one angry moth

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HELLOOOOO Everyone welcome back to another chapter lets start off this chapter with a new character bio also
to make writing easier for myself im going to try out using ("") for who ever pov is talking for example (goji's pov)
"6am already jeez time flew....yada yada yada"


Likes:keeping things in balance, Spending time with goji, pancakes, flying, and helping others

Dislikes: people who are ignorant, goji's father, rude people, liars, tricksters and criminals.

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That's one angry moth

(author: Ok I said the name of the chapter, that means chapters over *starts shutting the curtain but stop mid way as someone with very intimidating aura stands behind him as he turns the moth grabs him by the waist and throws him full force against the fourth wall cracking it*

Mothra:sorry folks now back to the chapter
*as mothra walks away you can hear her yell "SOMEONE GET SOME FLEXTAPE AND FIX THE FOURTH WALL"

(Now back to the scheduled program)

*last time goji went to a national garbage cleanup tournament and during the tournament a family on there jetski were about to get ran over by a cargo ship but with goji's sudden call to action he swam and moved the family out of harms way but unfortunately he wasn't. He got hit by the ships propellers and it sliced into his shoulder blade, goji was helped by his team to stitch the wound when a screech rocked the heaven. Out of the clouds decended the queen of the monsters mothra. 

*goji's pov*

Goji: Moth...ra....?

*suddenly your vision starts to blur and then darken you hear mothra scream your name in horror as she see's the wound. You suddenly black out*

(Timeskip 3 hours)
(No ones pov)

Mothra sits in the hospital lobby with Oscar and Ursa and all of them are silent and in a daze.

The only sounds audible are the footsteps of doctors and people walking by them and the repetitive ticking of a clock


Ursa tries to breaks the tension in the air

Ursa:so miss you seem close to goji how long have you known him?

Mothra looks up from her dazed state and replys

Mothra:...since we were kids

Ursa:thats nice, not many people can say their childhood friend is still their friend.

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