2-Happy? Birthday

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I got up with the phone ringing beside me. It flashed Adi's name as expected. I was sleepy. I picked up the call but I could barely speak. I gathered all the strength and the strength allowed me to speak just one golden word:


"What's the time Gehna?", Adi's fresh voiced asked. He's surely ready by now. But hey, this is not the way. If you just wanna ask the time you could've seen it in your lovely phone. Yes, his phone was too lovely. After all it was an i-Phone. Not just an i-Phone, it was a Black I-phone 6. I was imaging the lovely creation's picture in my head when Mr. Not so perfect(of course, he did not wish me yet) broke the trance and spoke again,

"Hello? Gehna? Did you sleep again?"

I tried to speak again and this time I was able to speak more combination of words, "No! I'm there, I'm awake. By the way, this is not the appropriate thing to call me for. You spoiled my sleep. I mean it's just" I took a pause to check what actually the time was? Uh-oh I was late "OH MY GOD! It's 8.30, why on earth didn't you wake me up a little early? Now we'll be late and-"

He stopped me in between and said, "Whoa whoa whoa, easy Ms.Sleeping Beauty, I called you thrice before this but looks like you were busy dreaming about your special someone. And yeah, it's not WE gonna be late. YOU'll be late because I won't be able to pick you up. I'm little busy, but don't worry take your bike and reach quickly, little girl. And stop panicking now, you'll be there on time. I'm sure." I knew now he had a smile on his face but however I didn't smile. Although I was convinced by his idea of me going to school on my bike and I won't be late, but my best friend still didn't wish me. Also, he had something important to do on my birthday, whereas he always takes me to school even when he is busy on some other day and I keep telling him that I'll go by myself. But it's okay, I thought. He must be preparing for his 1st day of college, after all he was senior to me.I sighed and with neutral voice I said,

"Yeah, cool."

"See you at LV after you're done," he said referring to our favorite hangout place The Lake View Cafe. I smiled a bit and said,

"Yes, see you. Bye."

I hanged up the call and jumped off my bed to get ready. I selected my dress while I brushed my teeth. I picked up an elegant white top and a black denim skirt which my cousin Rashi gifted me last night along with a pair of wedges . I got dressed into the same after taking a shower and left my waist-length hair open; and pinned two tic-tac pins on the side-partitioned hair. I took a look into the mirror and complimented Rashi's choice in my mind. I was dressed nice enough to be presentable on my 17th birthday. I took the keys and bid a bye to my mom after telling her about school and cafe afterwards. She too, waved a bye without interrogating me since she knew I was getting late. I drove a little fast to reach the school by 9.30 but it was 9.45 when I entered the gate of "St.Mary"(Needless to mention-My High School). Had Adi been here, I wouldn't have been late. I straightly walked to the notice board and read it

"All the XI grade students are requested to collect their books from B2 classroom at 10 am and a warm welcome to-" I stopped in between and smiled, I wasn't late. That's when my phone vibrated, again as expected, text message from: Adi.

"So, you reached on time, didn't you? ;)"

"Yeah! :)

Thanks to you for misguiding me." I replied while walking to class B2. I was waiting, but he didn't reply and I was free for 5 more minutes. So, I called him. It merely ringed for 3 seconds and he answered, "What's up little girl?"

"Nothing, just waiting for professor. Where are you?"

"Err..I told you I'm busy right?"

"Yes, you did but what's so important than-" I stopped in between because I didn't want to remind him that it's my freaking birthday.

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