7- Happy Realization

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While we laughed together, we heard a voice from the table behind us. Till we turned back, there was no one but a broken coffee mug. We left the cafe in sometime and Manan dropped me at my place. Somehow, I knew that it was Kabir at the back table. I don't know whether he heard what we talked or not. But, it was him! For sure! I didn't tell Manan and Shruti about having a strong feeling that it was him. As soon as I was back, I quickly changed into my night suit and prepared to sleep. Mom asked me to have some snacks and milk but I badly needed sleep to calm my mind after what happened at college. Also, I already had hot chocolate at LV which made me feel full. I heard Adi and Rashi coming towards my room. Oh God. How much I wanted to hug them and tell everything that happened! But this was not the right moment, because if I tell all this to Adi right now, he'll just go and break Kabir's face. I didn't want that to happen. I knew he was innocent. Bad time made him behave bad, and that jerk too, whom he has been misunderstanding to be his real friend. I just pretended to fall asleep so that I could escape talking to them. They left my room when they saw me sleeping. But my best friend knew me more than myself. He came back, sat beside me and moved his hand on my forehead.

"Get up, little girl. Tell me what's wrong," he spoke in his softest tone. A tear dropped from my eye. I quickly got up hearing his words and hugged him tight. He hugged me back in no time. God, bless such best friends for their existence, concern, love and everything they do.

"First, promise me that you'll listen to whole thing calmly and won't take any step immediately. Alright?" I mumbled while still resting my head on his shoulder. His reaction made it clear that he understood something serious had happened.

He opened his mouth to say something but I interrupted him already, "uh ah.. promise?"
"Fine, promise!" He said with discomfort.
I told him every single detail. From Kabir stepping on my leg to he himself mending it. From the free period story to the LV story. From lectures getting cancelled till what happened at campus. I could see his face burning with anger.

"I'm going to come at school with you tomorrow," his tone was demanding by now.

I softly smiled and told him, "Little girl wants to grow up, Adi. I wanna make things alright on my own. I know you're here for me. I know you're just a call away if something goes wrong. And I WILL let you know about the same. But for now, I just want you to trust me that I can mend it myself."

He smiled and kissed my forehead, "You're already growing up. I know you can do it on your own and I'm proud of you for handling all this with so much patience."
I smiled at his words but couldn't stop myself from yawning.
"Not so soon, little girl. Your sister is making your favorite fruit salad for you. You gotta have that first and then go to sleep," he said with a giggle. Rashi came with a bowl of nicely decorated fruit salad. Even with the messy bun she had tied, she looked beautiful as always. She handed the bowl to Adi and hugged me.

I kissed her cheek and said, "Love you, sister."

"Love you more," she said with a toothy grin.

Adi cleared his throat and dramatically said, "Nobody loves me."

We looked at him and said, "Yeahh" in a chorus, to which he made a puppy face and my silly sister began to drool watching him like that. She said, "Aww, I.." I slapped my head and nudged her to stop her. Adi giggled. Rashi cleared her throat and began to say, "Err.. I was saying that I need to sleep with Gehna today. Even I'm tired of the boring lectures today."

"Alright then, I take that as my cue to leave," Adi said sticking his tongue out. He hugged both of us before leaving. I had my fruit salad with my dear sister and slept soon.

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