3- High School Begins...

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After having a great day when I was ready to sleep I thought to go and thank Rashi for the wonderful outfit she gifted me. I went to towards her room and when I was about to knock the door I heard something weird. She was on the phone saying,

"Aww, I love you, too." I opened the door a little, she was blushing. Oh my God, her face had literally turned to pink. I had never seen this phase of her. Also, she never mentioned about having a boy friend. I felt curious to know. Who it would be? Do I know him? Yipee! My sister has a boy friend. All the emotions were floating in my mind when I heard her again,

"Who is it? Gehna? Is it you?"

Fish! She saw me and with no choice to silently enjoy her romantic conversation anymore I replied,

"Ye- yeah Rashi it's me. H- hi." Should I ask her directly? No! I should behave normal. "I just wanted to say thank you for your gift. It suited me a lot. Adi liked it too."

She smiled and said, "That's nice! Show me the pictures sissy."

I took out my phone from the pocket and started to show her the pictures of me and Adi while cutting cake, dancing on the table, sitting beside the lake. She continued to smile while watching them. I knew these pictures were not the only reason for her smile. It was that guy on the phone, too. Her phone vibrated. And since the phone was on the bed I could easily see, Text message from: :)

Easy to guess, ":)" was the same guy on the call. Rashi didn't even save his number with his name. Curiosity inside me flooded. She took her phone and replied to his text quickly. She accidentally forgot to lock her phone and I read his text from the corner view which was "Okay then, I'll see you at your place, sweetheart. 5 p.m?" and she had replied with a 'yes :)' of course.

After she finished watching pictures, she returned my phone and said, "Lovely pictures I must say. But we didn't click even a single picture in that outfit of yours." She pouted like a kid. I giggled and switched on the front camera.

"Oh, come on you puppy face, let's click now. I don't think we have pictures in these pyjamas too." I winked at her. She quickly hugged me and was ready for the little photo session. We clicked 4-5 selfies. I kissed her cheek and said 'good night' to her after that. She did the same and I went back to my room. While I was setting an alarm for tomorrow, I thought of texting Adi and that's when my phone beeped. Text message from: Adi.

Adi-"Hey little girl"

Me-"Do you read minds?"

Adi-"Just yours ;)."


Listen.. I need to tell you something."

Adi-"I know. But you need to sleep right now. Else, you'll be late tomorrow."

Wow! He understands me so nicely.

Me-"Okay, Good night."

Adi-"Good night little girl. :)"

The smiley at the end reminded me of that guy again. But I was tired, so I slept quickly. I woke up with the very first ring of alarm. Whoa! That was something new. I actually felt like I was a grown up now. I offered my prayers to God and jumped off my bed to get ready. I took lesser time than usual mornings. Maybe I was too excited for the High School. I went to the kitchen and greeted mom with a 'good morning' sweetly. Mom was surprised. She looked at me quietly for a few seconds and said, "You look great darling."

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