02- The boy who wonders

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          When Tommy was young, he wondered. He wondered why he looked nothing like Dream, his brother. He also wondered why he was locked in a tower, never to go outside the walls.

Then there was the most important thing he wondered about. Why was he not allowed to cut his hair?

It grew at a rapid rate, and by the time he was eight, he'd had very long hair that reached the floor and laid across it. At that point, it was hard to brush it without Dream helping him. So Dream would brush his hair and sing songs to him while doing it to keep Tommy distracted as they'd done so many times before.

When Tommy was old enough, he began to ask Dream to go outside his tower. But any time when he did ask, he got the same answer; "No, Tommy, it's dangerous outside. I keep you in this tower to keep you safe."

But nonetheless, Tommy wanted to go outside. You may wonder why he wanted to go outside so bad, and in answer to that; to see the lanterns in person. They were always released on his birthday at midnight and every single year, Tommy stayed up to watch the beautiful lanterns fly up into the sky and eventually fade from view. And every time he watched them, he wished he could be closer to them, watching them fly away up close instead of from far away.

He still remembers when he asked Dream why the lanterns were released and Dream's response to it, "The lanterns? Oh, well they're released for the lost prince of the royal family."

Tommy couldn't help but feel bad for the royal family, always releasing lanterns for their lost son.

285 words
Hello! Lav here,
This chapter was short af
Next chapter will be longer.
I also just realized i need to re-watch Tangled- so next chapter may take two days or so
Have a wonderful day! :D

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