chapter thirty four

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Zuko had the great idea of hiding out in his family's old beach house on Ember Island until further notice. Naia had to admit, it felt a little weird that they were hiding from the Fire Lord in his own home, but Zuko convinced her that it was fine. He said the last time his family was there was when they were happy...which was a long, long time ago.

Naia and Sokka decided to run some errands in the town nearby. Naia had a particular craving for some watermelon, and also wanted to shop around. Suki still had her prisoner outfit from the boiling rock, which was basically a crime in itself, so Naia offered to buy Suki a whole new outfit. She settled on a high necked cropped tank top, with black flare pants and a cute red belt with gold buckle. Once Suki was all changed, she was ready to go into town in her disguise. Koa tagged along as well. Suki and Koa split off from Sokka and Naia, so Naia looked at a jewelry store, particularly at a gold bracelet.

"It's beautiful," Naia whispered. Sokka looked over her shoulder at the delicate gold chain bracelet. "It's a little expensive though. And I don't need any more jewelry," She said. Sokka nodded and intertwined his hand with her and led her through a small market.

"Why can't you keep up?" Sokka asked.

"My legs are still sore," Naia replied. Sokka shot her an annoyed look. "And who's responsible for that?" She said with her head tilted to the side.

Sokka snickered and put his arm around her shoulders, holding her other hand. "Maybe we can recreate that tonight," He whispered with a cheeky smile.

Naia rolled her eyes. "We were lucky the rest of the group didn't hear the last time," Naia whispered.

"I can't wait when this is all over," Sokka said. "I can finally take you on real dates. We can go on picnics, or go to another library, or go get water tribe food."

"And the existential threat of an everlasting war is over?" Naia asked. She sighed. "Me too."

"Suki and Koa look a little cozy," Sokka commented. Naia and Sokka looked towards the pair, who were a little ways ahead. The two were engaged in conversation, laughing. They were close to one another, with Suki placing her hand on Koa's arm when she laughed. Naia exchanged looks with Sokka.

"They're so cute," Naia commented.

As they approached Suki and Koa, something on the wall caught Sokka's eye. He led her towards a poster. "What is this?" Naia asked.

"A play," Sokka said, rubbing his chin. Naia furrowed her brows.

"Wait a second," Naia said, recognizing the pictures on the front. It was a picture of someone dressed in Aang's clothing, three people in water tribe clothing, and a person in green earth kingdom clothing. "Is this effing play about us?"

"What's going on?" Suki asked cheerily, now eating a scoop of ice cream that Koa bought her.

"There's a play about us," Sokka said.

Suki turned to Naia. "Is it bad I want to know how the portray me?"

Naia shook her head. "You took the words out of my mouth."

The four of them started to walk back to the vacation house. Zuko and Aang wee practicing Fire bending as Katara and Toph watched. "Guys, look, there's a play about us!" Sokka exclaimed, holding up the poster.

"What? How is that possible?" Katara asked, standing up and taking a closer look.

"Listen to this," Sokka said. "The boy in the centers is a new production from acclaimed playwright Puan Tin who scoured the globe gathering information on the avatar. From the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, etc. Brought to you by the critically acclaimed ember island players."

silver soul | avatar, the last air bender Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon