The Day Before Dissaster

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     After moving to a small town called Dawson in Canada a few years ago, Scarlett James is finally in her senior year of high school with her friends Emerson Jones, Harper Moon, and her best friend Isabelle Gian who they call Izzy. She thought it was a cute little town, and she loved the way the scenery looks and it always feels so vibrant. She knew everything was going to be the same, no surprises...until this one day when she went to school. 

     On this particular day Scarlett was getting ready for school at 5 o'clock in the morning, when she usually does. She then went into her closet and got out a black tank top with a black and red plaid over shirt. She then grabbed out of the closet a pair of modest fitting blue jeans with a pair of black and white DC high-top sneakers. As for her hair...she made her hair a half up-half down doo and twisted the ponytail in to make a wave looking vibe. After she got dressed and did her makeup, she grabbed her bag and left the house for school. On her way out she had gotten a text from her best friend Isabelle Gian, who they call Izzy. The text said," Hey buddy! Are you ready for the closing tonight? It's our shift. We work together!!" She smiled while reading the text and replied," Yea, I can't wait to get to work (Sarcasm). I will see you at school buddy, I'm on my way." On her way she ran into another one of her friends. "Hello Ms. James." Said Max. She replied laughing, "Hello there Mr. Jones." Max laughed and said," Are you ready for the pep rally?" 

Scarlett replied with sarcasm," Totally, go eagles!" Max rolled his eyes and said," Can't you have fun for one day instead of worrying about everything?" Scarlett gave him a hug and said playfully and a huge smile on her face," I would, but then who would look after you?" They both laughed and continued walking. After tens minutes of walking they have reached their school, as they looked up at this giant building Scarlett says," Only one more year and we can start our lives Max." Max watched her as he gazed at her beauty and said," Yep, one more year of your gorgeous face." Scarlett looked at Max and blushed and said," Awe your sweet." Scarlett continued to walk as Max would watch her walk away. "You coming?" Scarlett asked Max. He replied in a daze and smiling," Yep, just enjoying the view." Scarlett's jaw dropped and said dramatically," Max, stop that." They both laughed and walked into the school. 

     Once they walk in Izzy was waiting for them on a bench, when she finally looked up from the phone she gave a huge smile. Scarlett walked right up to her and gave her a huge hug. Izzy then looked at Scarlett and said happily," Hey there buddies. How was your walk?" Max replied nervously," It was fine, nothing really happened. Just talked and walked." Izzy gave him a concerned and down look and said," Oh really? Nice, so it was a peaceful and quiet walk?" 

Scarlett replied with a smile and said," Yea, it was amazing. The only thing that could have made it better was the have my best friend walking with us." Izzy smiled and said," Now, you know that I take a bus right?"

Scarlett replied," I know." A sense of quiet rushed upon them, that's Izzy was giving him a hinting look. Max looked at Izzy, then back at Scarlett. He then said nervously," So Scarlett what are you doing this weekend? Because I was wondering if you'd like-" That's when the pa system overshot him and said," Would all the people participating in the pep rally please report to the gymnasium please." That's when Scarlett looked at Max and asked worried," Do you mind if you ask me that question later?" Max smiled and nodded and said," Yea, of course. You two need to get your vocal cords ready to sing, it's all good." Scarlett looked at Izzy, they both squealed and ran down the hall towards the gym. When they walked into the gymnasium their music teacher named Mr. Miles got excited and said," There is my two popstars!" Scarlett and Izzy smiled and said in unison," Hello Mr. Miles." He then looked at his computer and asked very giddy," Are you guys ready to practice as we wait for the school band to be ready?" Scarlett looked at Izzy and said," Would do me the honors in going first?" 

Izzy replied," I would love that." She then went up and sang the song Unstoppable from Sia. After she was done, Scarlett stood up and yelled," Woo! That was amazing!" Izzy then gave her the mic and said," Your turn bestie." She took the mic and it was like Scarlett turned into a different person, she started singing the song I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift. As she was singing the song the band kids walked in and sat down to listen to her sing. As soon as the popular boy seen her sing, he knew he had to meet her. After the song was done Izzy shot up and yelled," Woohoo!! That was amazing and so moving Scarlett!" That's when this tall and handsome stranger with dirty blond hair, blue eyes and a small stubble of a beard walked up to her and said with a devilish smile," Hey there, I am Zach Nicholas, and you are?" Scarlett replied with a flirtatious smile," Scarlett."

He replied," Scarlett..." She gave out a chuckle, looked down to the floor then back up at his beautiful eyes and said, "James, my name is Scarlett James. Why you asking?" He looked at her up and down and then said," Just wanted to know the name to the girl with an amazing body and amazing voice." Scarlett's cheeks blushed as he walked away, Izzy then jumped on her excitedly and said," Oh my god, do you know who that is?" Scarlett looked confused and said," No, but he was cute and charming." Izzy did a little freak out dance and said almost yelling," That is our boss's son. Zach Nicholas??" Scarlett's jaw dropped and said," No way!" Izzy smiled and said," You've never worked with him?" Scarlett started freaking out," No, I work the night shift. He works the morning shift!" Izzy smiled and kept jumping, until he came back in and then the concert was starting. As the concert went on Scarlett couldn't stop thinking about Zach, and clearly neither could he because he would constantly be looking for her or talking with his friends about her. Either way, this was going to be the one guy who she could not forget. 

     Shortly after the concert, she and Izzy got the same call from work. "Hello?" 

"Is this Scarlett James?" Scarlett started to laugh and said with a smile," Yes this is, hi Harley." Her boss laughed as she said," Hi, would it be possible for you and Izzy to start early, like at 2 instead of 3?" Scarlett looked at Izzy who was nodding her head as if she was saying yes, she then sighed and said," Yes we can, but we may be a tad bit late by like 5 minutes." 

Harley replied immediately," That's okay, I really appreciate this guys, thank you." After the concert their friend Harper ran up to them and said out of breath," Guys! guys! You'll never guess what I heard?!" Scarlett looked concerned and said," What?"

She replied," Jane said...Jane said...Jane said that she was going to come after you because she thinks your too weak for Zach." Izzy's eyes widened and she said," I'd like to see her try." Scarlett began to get angry and said with a dark voice," Let's go have a chat, shall we?" Izzy then got really worried and tried to stop her," Wait, wait. Why stir the pot?" Scarlett looked at her and said," No let's get this over with." She then walked up the Jane and angrily," I heard from various people in the school that you were looking for me...well here I am." Jane looked at Zach with a smile and said," Well, I guess I was wrong. You are a lot braver then you look. Maybe we can see if that's true some time." She then turned and walked away, that's when Scarlett got angrier and yelled," Why are you walking away?" That's when Izzy and Harper grabbed her arm to hold her back. Izzy then said," Let's go, the bell just rang and it is time to go home now, let's go we got to get to work." Scarlett shrugged to get them off of her and then walked away with Izzy and Harper. 

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