The Race to The Finish Line

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     It has been a few hours since the sedation has worn off of Scarlett, and as she woke up she saw Zach asleep on the bed beside her. She slowly got up from the bed and looked around the room. It looked like a hospital room or a psych ward room, it was bright white and extremely clean. She then started to tiptoe towards the door of the room in order to not wake him up, but as soon as she touched the door Zach woke up. "The door is locked from the outside, just in case you woke up before me." Zach said. 

"Okay, well congratulations, you have me. What did you do to me?" Zach smiled as he slowly got up and said," You and I are now pumping each other's blood, it is called a transference." Scarlett looked confused and said," That's not possible..." 

"Yes it is, and now we are one in the same." Zach said. Scarlett then looked around and asked," So what now? You change my mind into yours?" Zach gave a chuckle and said," Yes, and no." He then got out of his bed and slowly started walking towards the door and said," See we have to attach this wrist band to you in order to control when we need you asleep so I can get into your head." Scarlett then started moving to the other side of the room as he walked to the door. Zach then knocked on the door three times. When it did open Cooper was on the other side with the wrist band that he was talking about. "Now are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way? Because there is no way of beating us..." Zach said. 

"Zach, you don't have to do this." Scarlett said trying to reach him. Zach looked at Cooper then back at Scarlett and said with a small smirk," Are you a righty or a lefty?" Scarlett then looked at Zach and said," Please, don't. I know I can't win so I need you to change for me." Zach and Cooper then begun to move closer and closer to her as she started to get backed into a corner, she looked around for something; but there was nothing. Zach then lunged at Scarlett and grabbed her arm enough to demobilize her for a few brief moments; meanwhile Cooper began to open the band and start to attach it to her arm. "No, please get off of me. Zach please, I like you but I will hate you for this and you know it!" Scarlett exclaimed. 

"When we change you for the better, you wont want to remember any of this, I promise." Zach replied. 

     Once the band got on her arm it sent small needles into her wrist, this was for the sedative and for nerve pathways for when Zach needs in her head. After the needles got to the nerves, Scarlett dropped to the ground in pain. Zach caught her as she laid in his arms on the ground. "Shh, it's only for a few minutes, your okay." Zach tried to comfort her. 

"Get off of me!" Scarlett screamed in pain. Cooper then left the room for a few minutes but then came back with a gurney. The second Scarlett seen the gurney she started freaking out," No get off of me, I am not going anywhere with you." She kicked and pushed away from Zach, until he grabbed her and put her over his shoulder. As he walked closer to the gurney, he looked at the doctor and said," I got her, no need for the gurney." Doctor Ziegler then started walking towards a giant room, but on the way she saw Harper and Izzy in their room. They looked asleep. "Izzy! Harper! What did you do to them?!" Scarlett yelled. 

Zach replied," They are giving in slowly, you can have them back. Just give in before it gets worst." Scarlett started kicking and hitting as she said," That doesn't make any sense!" They then all reached to a big room with a chair in the middle, overtop of the chair was a huge needle looking thing with a red dot aimed at the head rest. Zach then tried to put her down but, she bit Zach in the ear and tried to run. Zach winced out of pain and grabbed her hips, he then pulled her back to the chair and laid her down in it. "Stay still." Cooper exclaimed. She then had Cooper holding down her hands, and Zach holding down her feet as Doctor Z came and locked her in. "No! Get off of me! Let go of me!" Screamed Scarlett. They all then backed away from her as she tried as best as she could to struggle her way out, but again it was no use. As the giant needle was coming closer, Zach was indeed getting strapped in as well. "So what? Your gonna fry my brain now?" Doctor Z laughed and said," No no, we are sending Zach into your brain, from there he will alter your subconscious and change you into something like us." 

Scarlett replied," And what exactly are you guys? Vampires? Zombies? Werewolves?" 

"Blood Elves." Doctor Z replied. Scarlett looked confused until she looked at Zach who changed in front of her to help her understand. "Watch, because in a few short minutes this will be you." Zach exclaimed. His eyes began to turn blood red, his ears began to grow very long and pointy, and his teeth grew smaller but sharper at the same time. "Why the hell would I ever choose to be like that?" Scarlett exclaimed worried and scared. Doctor Z looked at her straight into the eyes and said." Because we are extraordinary, and we can help you feel yourself. You can be with Zach."  

"I don't want to be with him or you guys, especially if I have to change into a blood sucking winged beast." Zach laughed and said," We don't have wings though." Scarlett rolled her eyes and said," Either way I don't want this and I am never going to give up, you are never gonna change me. In my head or out..." Doctor Z then looked at her and said evilly," Let's find out, shall we?" 

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