Kicking and Screaming

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     Everything went from dark to bright as Scarlett begun to wake up from her unwilling nap, that was until another cloth was pushed over her mouth and nose. "Shh, we're almost there." Zach says pushing it against her. "Zach please get off of me." Scarlett said helpless and muttered. Zach then grabbed fuzzy handcuffs and slapped them on her wrists," This is just a precaution, we will be ready to take these off soon." Scarlett then started to fall asleep again, but the next time was not so fun. "Is she ready?" Doctor Z says as she is still not quite awake yet. 

"Ready for the procedure, up to you if you wanna run it while she is still waking up." Nurse Watson said in a mid-tone voice. Doctor Z then walks up to Scarlett who was just starting to wake up and said to the operator," Ok, she is starting to wake, bring in Zach and let's get this started." They then rolled Zach in who was placed across from me, he looked like he was asleep...only he had red veins running up his arm. "What's wrong with him?" Scarlett asked quietly. 

"He is getting ready for the linking." Doctor Z replies from the monitor. That's when Nurse Watson walked up to Scarlett and began placing the helmet on Scarlett's head. "Watson please, you don't have to do this..." Watson then looked at her in the face with no expression," You need to hold still or I am going to have to put you to sleep again..." Scarlett then noticed that her mind was wiped. "You did this all to get me? You go after other people? All to get me?!" Scarlett yelled in anger. "Then do it! Turn on the thing and let's do it!" That's when the machine sudden turned on, everything went dark and Scarlett's eyes started to bat around the room. She then looked towards the door and saw Izzy and Harper smiling like Cooper, Scarlett looked defeated and slowly started to close her eyes and everything went dark...

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