Let The Games Begin

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     After a few minutes, Scarlett has lost track of Zach; it was like he had vanished. Harper then took one look at Cooper and was hooked, as she stared at him; he stared back. Cooper then muttered something to Jane, and then started to walk over to Harper. Scarlett looked at Harper and said worried," I am not too sure I have a good feeling about this one." Harper replied in a daze," What?" Scarlett was about to repeat herself when Zach grabbed her hips from behind and said," Do you like to swim?" Scarlett's face softened and she replied flirting," Yes I do, do you like swimming?" Zach replied with a huge smile," I like swimming in your eyes." Scarlett's cheeks went as she gave a little chuckle and replied," Slick, your cute." Zach replied modestly," I know, but I think you are cuter." Scarlett looked across the pool to Jane as her smile went away. "She really is harmless, I hope you can be friends eventually." Scarlett looked back at him and said with a half smile," I don't think that will happen, but I can always try to be civil with you." Zach smiled as she grabbed her hand and said," I would appreciate that." After a few minutes of gazing in each other's eyes, Zach looked at Scarlett and asked," Do you want a drink?"

Scarlett replied, "Sure." Zach then left to go and get her a drink. After a few moments away, Scarlett started to look around for her friends, but could not see them. She then saw Cooper, and remembered Harper was starring at him. She walked over and said," Hey, where is my friend Harper?" 

Cooper replied confused," Who sorry?" Scarlett looked confused and said," Brown hair, five foot with brown doe eyes?" Cooper smiled and said," I think I would remember such a beautiful sounding woman." Scarlett looked away confused and said under her breath," Ok well she must have left.."

Cooper replied," Mhm?" Scarlett looked up shocked and said," Oh nothing, sorry." Cooper then looked at Scarlett and asked," You must be Zach's girl." 

Scarlett replied shocked," His girl?" Cooper gave a chuckle and said with a huge smile," Yea, he talks about you all the time." Scarlett's face went red as she said," Well, he is a very handsome man." 

Cooper replied," He is a lucky guy." Scarlett smiled at the sound of that. Out of no where Zach come back with her drink and said," Looks like you two have finally met."

Cooper replied," Yea, and I must say she is a very delightful person to be around, keep her close Zach..." He then walked away smiling towards Jane. Scarlett looked at Jane who had a huge smile on her face, as much to say "I know something you don't." Zach looked at Scarlett who was concerned and said," Are you okay?" 

Scarlett replied," No, kind of, maybe. I don't know." Zach looked concerned and said," What do you mean?" Scarlett looked away from Jane and back at Zach and said," Earlier I came here with my friends Harper and Izzy, and now I can't find either of them. And they wouldn't just leave without me, especially without so much of a text." 

Zach replied confused," And Jane has something to do with this?" Scarlett began to get frustrated and said," Yes, or I think....Ever since Harper went off with your friend Cooper, I haven't seen her since...and I haven't seen Izzy since the start of this party. And it's been four hours..." Zach rubbed her shoulder and said sadly," Maybe they just didn't feel well and went home, maybe try calling them tomorrow."

Scarlett replied worried." I guess they could have gone home and made sure not to wreck my fun...they do say I worry too much. They think I need to let go..."

Zach then leans against the wall while towering over her and says as he is leaning in," Maybe I can help you let go..." Scarlett then feels the touch of his soft warm hand against her cheek, and his lips brushed against her lips. She felt as if electricity was coursing through her veins, and as if she was flying in the sky. After a few minutes of kissing, Zach looked into her eyes and asked," Feel alive yet?" Scarlett was lost of words, it was like she had nothing in her head. Cooper then ran over in emergent need and said," I hate to break up this lovely moment, but I need Zach for a few minutes." Scarlett looked at Cooper and Zach and said," Oh yea go, if your friend needs you then go." They then both rushed off towards the front of the house.

     After a few minutes of walking around the house you hear a familiar voice," Stop please, just let me go." Scarlett looked around drastically and called out," Harper?!" She the heard her again," Scarlett! Please help!" Scarlett then ran around the entire house looking for her, until she seen her be stuffed in a black van by people in all black. One of them saw her and pointed at her through the window; enough to say," Get her." Scarlett than ran downstairs in the crowd looking for Harper. "Harper!" She did not answer...

     "Harper, please answer me!" Once again she did not answer. After a few minutes, as she was walking around she noticed those black hooded figures waiting at most of the doors. "Zach!" Zach did not answer. She then started to run upstairs, but as she was running; she got pulled into a room. "What the hell!" Scarlett screamed. 

"Shh, they'll hear you..." Jane said quietly as she was looking through the cracks of the door. "What the hell is going on!?" Scarlett said worried. 

"They are looking for you, they are looking for people like you. Your special. I can feel it." Scarlett looked confused and asked," What are you talking about?! We need to leave before they come." Jane then turned around and said," Ok, the coast is clear, run. And if they get me, don't look back." As they were running towards the front door a tall black hooded person jumped out from in front of Scarlett and grabbed her, she looked back for Jane; but when she did...Jane had injected her with a sedative. Scarlett looked at Jane and said barely conscious," I knew you had something to do with everything that's been happening." Right before she had fallen asleep Jane replied with a evil smirk," Of course I did, it's like I said; you are special and we want you. Including Zach." Scarlett looked at the tall figure holding her and fell asleep in his arms. Zach then took off his mask and hood and said," I am sorry Scarlett, but I can't have you until you are one of us. You'll be with me soon." 

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