The Fight Between Consciousness

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     "Look, she's waking up!" Said Cooper excitedly. "Shh, your gonna startle her." Jane replied. Scarlett then realized what had happened was real and she felt the ropes holding her to the seat. "Let go of me." Uttered Scarlett. 

"I am sorry, but these are for our own protection; and they might help us get what we want as well." Cooper replied. Scarlett then looked at Zach who was staring out the window. "Can't look at me now knowing you played me." Zach looked back at her with a faint smile and said," No no, I was completely true and I do like you; but you are a special type of person that we need and we can change you into something better...You can be like us." He then had his hand on her knee as he was saying this. "I am not interested in you, not now and not ever. I am never going to be one of you, I may not know what you are but I will not let myself become one of you." Zach then looked at her in the eyes and said," It's okay, you need to stay calm." His eyes began to turn bright red, and as he said that to her; she felt as if she needed to listen. Her eyes began to turn bright red as well until she snapped out of it and said angrily," Calm down? Calm down?! You kidnapped me, and you probably kidnapped my friends too, and your planning to do...I don't even know what. Let me go, please." Jane then stabbed her with a needle and said happily," It's okay Zach, you will have your soulmate soon, for now we need to make her sleep; because we are almost there." Scarlett then started to fight to get the ropes off, she squirmed and wiggled; but it was no use...She then closed her eyes and fell off to sleep. 

     The next moment she woke up is when she was strapped to a gurney with doctors all around her, and the more awake she had gotten; the more she wiggled and squirmed. "What are you doing?" The doctor replied," We are doing some pre-op for your injections." Scarlett then looked at the doctors around her and as she squirmed and said," No, please. You don't have to do this. They kidnapped me." The doctor gave out a chuckle and said," I know, I am the one who works on all the special people who come in." 

"You are all crazy, what did you do to Zach and the others to make then all like you?" Scarlett asked. He then looked at her in the eyes and said," No no, we are making you have a better life. You will thank me once your done, and so will Zach." Scarlett looked horrified as he spoke, it was as if she felt lost. "You all keep calling me special, what does that mean?" The doctor did not answer. "So I am getting changed into something unspecial, does that make sense?" 

"You are special because you and Zach are one in the same, you two have such a deep connection that he can feel the change in you. You are capable of change on a cellular level." Exclaimed the doctor.

"That makes no sense, I am a regular girl with a regular life. I am nothing and no one to anyone, please just let me go." The doctor refused to say anything more as they walked into an operating room. Scarlett looked around in fear and said scared," Please don't do this, please I am begging you." The doctor then looked at the other doctors and said," Now, when we remove these we are going to be having to stop her from leaving the room. Which means we need to be stronger than her..." That's when Zach came in and said," You know, it would be much easier if you put her out first, just saying." The doctor then looks at the anesthesiologist and said," Ok, let's get her to sleep." Zach then came up beside her and said," I can do it, give me the mask." Scarlett the let out a cry," Zach stop, please." As he was getting the mask closer to her face, she would move her face around. Zach then grabbed her chin and made her sit still, and then on the mask went. As she fought the restraints and she fought sleep Zach looked ay her in the eyes and said," I will see you when you wake up." After a few seconds the anesthetic started to take affect as her eyes slowly closed, everything indeed went black for Scarlett. After a few minutes of Scarlett sleeping, the doctor begun to take out the needles and the tubes for the transference, they brought in another gurney for Zach as well. "Okay, so I am assuming you saw Cooper do the transference with Harper correct?" 

Zach replied," Yes, I was there for Cooper to keep him awake because he had to switch half his blood for hers." The doctor then looked at him and then the tube and said," Good, cuz now it's your turn." Cooper then walked in and said with a smile," Don't worry, I got you man." Zach then fist bumped with Cooper and said," Ok, ready when you are doc..." The doctor then begun to insert the tube, and the blood started rushing out. After a hew hours of Scarlett being under sedation, the blood transference was completed and it was time for then to get some real sleep, especially Zach. They then were put in their gurneys and wheeled off to their room to rest.

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