Into the Brain with Complications

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     The sound of a machine moving startled Scarlett as the red dot aligned with her forehead, but it also aligned with Zach's as well. "Please, no. I don't want this, and if I don't want this it won't work." Zach replied falling asleep," See you in there beautiful." Scarlett then started to freaking out and screamed," Zach no, please stay awake." Doctor Z laughed and said," He's already asleep, I'm sure you feel him inside that head of yours." Scarlett then started squirming even more than she started to, that was until a giant tube made it almost impossible for her to move her arm. "What are you doing? What is this tube for?" Scarlett asked scared and angry." 

"An elixir to change your genetic DNA into a blood elf, while mixed with a some of Zach's blood." Doctor Z explained. That is when Cooper walked over to her head with the sedation mask in his hand. "No please, Cooper, don't do this to me." Scarlett pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but you need to be with Zach now. He needs you." Scarlett then tried to shake her head around so that he couldn't get it on her mouth, but he grabbed her chin and forced her to sit still. "Now now, it looks like someone is tired," Cooper said in a baby voice. As she started to fall asleep, she was having trouble distinguishing what was real and what was in her head. "Are you here or there right now?" Zach asked. She then woke up in her head and saw Zach. "No no no, let me out now, I want out, I don't want to be here." Scarlett panicked.

"It's okay, your here with me." Zach replied calmly

Scarlett replied screaming," I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE, I WANT TO GO HOME! I DON'T WANT TO BE A BLOOD ELF AND I MOST CERTAINTLY DO NOT WANT TO BE WITH YOU!" Zach looked at her nose with a smile and said happily," Your nose is bleeding." Scarlett wiped her nose and looked at it in shock. "I am assuming this isn't good..." Scarlett asked. 

"It means that the elixir is working, and the longer you stay here with me is the faster you change into one of us. My job is to hurt you so bad you want to change." Zach replied with a huge smile. 

     After a few minutes go by Zach grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her into a window that suddenly appeared. "What the hell, where did that come from?" Scarlett asked surprised. 

"I willed it to appear, I have control of your mind right now. As soon as all these walls have blood dripping down then and they are covered, you will then be able to be broken. So keep fighting me Scarlett, and you will break faster." Zach replied as he towered over her. Scarlett then got up and pushed him into a table which made him fall over. "Do you think I am weak? Well I am not, keep pushing because I promise you, I will not fall." Scarlett's eyes began to become bright blue as she exclaimed. "Your eyes." Zach said with concern. 

"Maybe I am not as much like you as you thought." Scarlett replied. She then grabbed him by the back of then head and through him through another window, but he didn't stay down for long. He then got right back up and went after her. He then grabbed her by the hips, picked her up and threw her onto a glass coffee table. When she hit the ground she began to cough and try to catch her breath, and as she was down he got on top of her and held her down. He had pinned her to the ground by sitting on her waist and holding her wrists to the ground. "Get off of me!" Scarlett screamed as her eyes started to go red. 

"There's the eyes I was waiting for." Zach replied with a smile. Scarlett then let out a little wince of pain as her eyes glowed brighter. "There we go, now the elixir is working." Zach exclaimed. 

"Get off of me please...please." Scarlett asked in pain. Zach then let go of her hands, but stayed on her waist and said," This pain is temporary, give your consciousness to me and I can end this pain. Keep fighting and each time we go into your head will make it worst." Zach explained. After a few minutes of laying there in pain Scarlett started cough violently, it gotten so bad that Zach got off of her and let her up. "Cough it up, it's gonna come out one way or another." As Scarlett was cough, she coughed up blood. Zach saw this and started panicking," Oh my god, that's not normal." Scarlett looked at Zach with tears in her eyes and said whimpering," Zach, help me please, it feels like my brain is going to explode." Zach then looked at the sides of her brain and said," Okay good, we're coming out of it and then we can fix this..."

     Once they got out of the consciousness of Scarlett, Zach jumped out of his chair and ran over to her. "What is going on?!" Zach asked. 

Doctor Z replied unconcerned," She is having a seizure she is fine." Zach looked at the doctor and said concerned and scared," She'll be fine? She is clearly not fine doc, is this because we were poking in her brain too long?" 

He replied," I believe so, she is stronger than she looks." Another doctor ran in and asked in emergency," What's going on?" 

Doctor Z replied," She is having a seizure mixed with nose bleeds, she needs to be put on her side and Brivaracetam is needed now!" Another doctor then looked into Scarlett and begun to help her. "She might be awake in a few hours, you should get some rest." Doctor Z said.

"No, she is my other half and my responsibility right? I am staying here, and plus I can maybe get back in and-" Zach got cut off by Doctor Z," No, you cannot go back in. You can't force her, if she let's you...sure, but not forcibly like we have been doing...not right now." Zach looked sad and replied quietly with," Okay, whatever you say Doc-but I am still not moving..." 

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