789 14 16


Mei, can you tell me about the missing math homework?

i think you got the wrong number

wait fr??

yeah uhm sorry dude

OMG 😭😭 i'm so sorry i must've put in a wrong digit when typing in my friends new number
i'm so so sorry please forgive me

Nice stranger
oh uhm don't worry about it
it was a mistake after all

okay then :)
do you want me to delete your number?

Nice stranger
no it's fine
you seem nice and it'd be fun to have someone other than the guys to talk to

the guys?

Nice stranger
oh uhm
i live with a bunch of my friends haha

ohhh that makes sense
i live alone

Nice stranger
you don't live with anyone?


Nice stranger
why's that? only if you don't mind me asking
i don't want to make you think im some weirdo or anything

dwww you seem nice so i don't mind
i moved into an apartment closer to my uni. my parents house is farther away but i still visit during breaks tho

Nice stranger
trust me when i say i understand how hard it must be living away from your family
that's nice that you still get to visit them tho

yeah it's pretty hard but as long as i can still see them everything is fine
do you still visit your fam? since you said that you live with your friends

Nice stranger
oh uhm no haha
my fam lives in another country so i can't see them often bc of how busy i am

that makes sense
im rlly sorry tho :( that must suck not being able to see or visit your family often

Nice stranger
yeah it does kinda suck yk but i still talk to them from time to time so it's not too bad

that's good! oh also if you don't mind me asking ofc, what's ur name?

Nice stranger
oh uhm my name is Mark
what's urs?

are you a foreigner?
oh and my name is eun-kyung

oh uhm yeah
i was born in canada
i'm full korean tho

that's super cool :00
i always wanted to visited canada
mainly bc of the beavertails

dudeee beavertails are bomb
you need to try them out one day

i wish 😭😭 unfortunately i barely make enough to buy myself a simple dinner

what do you work as?

honestly it's nothing special
i work at a nearby restaurant
im a waitress

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