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Today was a pretty chill day, there wasn't anything going on and thankfully Eun-Kyung was all caught up with her studies. Eun-Kyung, Olivia and Mei all decided to hang out at Mei's house together and spend some time with just the three of them.

"I regret majoring in Biology." Mei complained to her two female companions, flopping herself on her bed while groaning.

"And today you'll say how much you love biology." Olivia side eyed her, gaining a smack of a pillow from Mei and a laugh from Eun-Kyung.

"Where's your brother Mei? It's awfully quiet." The girl mentioned, Olivia agreeing with her.

"He's out with his friend Junseo, you know the guy that is obsessed with you. Also I honestly don't really know when he'll come back." Mei said, shrugging her shoulders.

Eun-Kyung shivered at the mention of Jun-Seo, memories haunting her brain after the mention of the boys name.

"I wish I had siblings, then maybe I wouldn't had to grow up playing dolls with my imaginary friends and chasing them around the house." Olivia whined, gaining yet another smack of a pillow from Mei sided with an eye roll.

"You really don't. They're always up in your business and will do everything in their power just to annoy you."

After a few minutes of silence and doing nothing but sitting and laying down on their phones, the three college students could hear the front door being unlocked downstairs along side with the chatter of two boys.

It was Wei, Mei's older brother and his friend Jun-Seo. Both boys were awfully loud and were talking about a new video game that had recently come out in stores.

"Can you guys quiet down, you're not alone in this household." Mei yelled from upstairs, gaining a yell from her brother downstairs, "Remember the sibling hierarchy and who's the one that has more control here." Wei yelled back to his younger sister, which had gained a few snickers from her two friends. This time both gaining a pillow smack.

"No way you guys have a sibling hierarchy." Olivia laughed, not able to believed what she just heard.

"Yeah well.. It first started off as a joke when the two of us were kids but then when we grew up it wasn't as much as a joke anymore." Mei replied, going back on her phone.

"Mhm." The two girls replied, the room once again filled with comfortable silence between the three best friends.


mark lee
mister lee
mister mark
mister minhyun
mister rapper
r u busy???
if u r then i'm sorry if i'm bothering you and pls don't reply until you aren't busy anymore okay thanks

you kept typing so quickly that i felt like it would be rude if i were to also type at the same time as you
but to answer your question no i'm not busy, dream and 127 both don't have a schedule today so all of us are just chilling since we barely get to do that

you deserved all the downtime you can get bro
make sure to take naps too, trust me taking naps on a day off feels amazing

you deserved all the downtime you can get bromake sure to take naps too, trust me taking naps on a day off feels amazing

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