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hey dude uhm
are you awake
sent at 9:32pm

i'm so sorry i was asleep
i wasn't ignoring you or anything like that btw if that's what you were thinking

dw about it haha

did u need anything?
i just don't think you've ever started the conversations ever since we first started talking so yk i just thought that maybe you needed something and if you don't then that's totally fine yk

oh no dw haha
i kinda forgot y i texted you tbh

oh okay then :)

That was a lie. Mark infact, did remember why he texted her. He wanted someone to talk to, and he thought that Eun-Kyung was just the right person to talk to. The girl was entertaining and he enjoyed talking to her even if it was only through text.

If it wasn't for the fact he was an idol, he would love to be able to call her and hangout with her. Unfortunately he would only ever be able to do that in his dreams.

Sometimes, Mark wonders what would happen if he never became an idol. Would he be able to hang out with people freely? Without people judging him and watching his every move.

Mark feels trapped. Like he's stuck in a room with no way out. Only thick walls in his sighting. No one to talk to and nothing to do. He feels lonely, he feels tired. Tired of faking that he's fine.

When he's talking to her, he feels that all his problems have disappeared. He wonders what would've happened if the girl never accidently messaged him, would they still have met?

do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you hadn't make certain decisions in the past

yeah sometimes i guess
i mean dont we all?
our descisons make a big impact on our life, and we don't really ever think about it
in a way, descions kinda decide our fate, but at the same time it's us who's deciding our fate too
it seems scary if you think about it, but the more scary it is the more interesting and beautiful it turns out

that's actually a very unique way to think of it
tbh idk what would've happened if you never accidently messaged me haha

tbh idk
probably would still only have two friends and be bored most of my days haha
if anything me texting you was a good thing

imagine you never missed any math homework

good side would be my grades wouldn't suck
downside i wouldn't have ever messaged you

you got a point there

i think we all do things for a reason tbh
you never know what something would lead to

it's cool if you think about it
like we have so much power
deciding our own fates by something so simple
we just never think about it

Mark smiled, maybe him being an idol really was a good decision. He wouldn't of had met his members who became his family.

"Why are you smiling so much? It's kinda creepy bro." Haechan popped his head from behind Mark's shoulder scaring him to death.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 ⚘ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗟𝗲𝗲Where stories live. Discover now