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We love women

i think i might like mark


we won

did you guys ignore the i think part of?

Eunnie, sweetie, love, our best friend
we know how you are

you may not know it but we sure do

idk tho cuz it's so weird cuz we've only known each other for like a few months yet like whenever i'm by him i get so nervous
there's like butterflies in my stomach and i get so awkward because i want to make sure i don't embarrass myself which isn't anything new but still it's just different in a way yk

honey :(

im scared
i don't like this feeling
it's weird

it's called love eunnie
there's no reason to be scared
yes it's a unknown feeling, but that's okay.
experiencing the unknown is a great thing, it allows you to experience so many opportunities and moments <3

i know you may not think this, but all this nervousness inside of you is definitely okay.
mark probably feels nervous too.

how do you know?

i just do

me and mei will come over to your apartment and bring some drinks and foods, okay?

yes pls

The three girls were sitting on the floor of Eun-Kyung's apartment, her small coffee table filled with boxes of pizza and bottles of alcohol. Olivia and Mei had passed out, from both the alcohol and tiredness.

Although Eun-Kyung also felt tired, her emotions forbid her from going to sleep peacefully. All she could do was silently cry, not even knowing why.


mawk is iwtqwierd to be scarewd if uwnkown faeling yowhve wever experuncedbefwore

are you drunk?
do you need me to come get you?
where are you?

aaswe mw questaion and ill anaaer yours

no, it's not weird at all. it's completely normal. trust me, i would know too.
yeah it's scary, but that's what makes emotions so wonderful. you get to learn more about them and why you feel them.
why do you ask?

well thweess thais boy i twnk i lwike but idk bc iqve r eve felt such wthings bfdorw and it's weird anwnd dcary and makes me wasnt ti cre

Mark felt weird, he didn't know why, but before he could even think he already started typing.

who do you think you like?

mark?? markke?? :(((
imswory if i uosey yu

Mark couldnt believe it. Maybe she was so drunk she didn't understand what she was saying... But drunk words are sober thoughts, right? He didn't know what to make out of it.

𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 ⚘ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗟𝗲𝗲Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon