Chapter 11- The results

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*Test result day*
Almost everyone were in a cheerful mood except for the four who couldn't complete the exam on time.

Aizawa entered the classroom.
'Morning, let's discuss your test results' He had a big smile on his face. 'I hate to say that some of you have failed. And as such....'

Most people looked at kirishima, ashido, sugar rush and kaminari



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'EHHHHH' Everyone was surprised!

'It was again a ruse !' Aizawa explained on how they were graded. He even added that everyone passed the written exam.

After sensei left, everyone felt a sigh of relief. As if a huge burden had been taken off their backs.

'So this is a 1-week boot camp,' Iida said, looking through the lodge guide provided by Aizawa.
It looks like we'll be needing pretty big bags.


Almost everyone excitedly agreed.

'What about you, Yuki?' Hagakure turned to him.

'I already have what i need, plus shopping isn't for me,' He answered.

'Aww, please, it'll be fun going as a whole class.' Ashido joined in.

'My answer's final'

Ashido pouted. Then turned towards Yaoyorozu.
'Yaoyorozu, say something'

'I mean, Ashido is right. It's fun to go shopping in groups. I don't have anything as such to buy. Still, I'm going to join.'

Yuki thought for a while,
'Fine, I'll join.

'Yea, yea, you only said yes because your girlfriend said so,' Ashido added.

'We are not dating' both Yuki and Yaoyorozu exclaimed as they turned red.

*Shopping day*

Everyone arrived at Kiyashi shopping mall! The shopping mall was filled with many stores that sold items that were designed for different body types and quirks

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Everyone arrived at Kiyashi shopping mall! The shopping mall was filled with many stores that sold items that were designed for different body types and quirks.

Yuki even brought aki with him. Upon seeing Yaoyorozu again, Aki wagged her tail.
'ohhh hii akii!! How have you been. Yuki brought you out for a walk!!!'

'She likes you a lot; the moment I mentioned you, she has been pulling me' Yuki chuckled.

Everyone split from the main group. Jiro wanted to look around for bags for the trip. She was joined by Yaoyorozu and naturally, Yuki tagged along.

To tell the truth, Yuki has never gone shopping before, except for once, which was with koujo, for his new apartment and all. But he's never been shopping with friends as such. As you know, girls never get tired of shopping, and as expected, Jiro and Yaoyorozu were carried away by all the stores. They saw a cute pet shop with all kinds of accessories and wanted to buya few for Aki.

Yuki had given up; he gave Aki to Yaoyorozu while he took a seat near a fountain. Suddenly, out of nowhere, someone sat beside him and scowled right up to him, putting an arm around him.

'Oh, hey there, kid!!' the stranger said in a calm voice. This, of course, shocked Yuki: 'Who the fuck are you?!"

Suddenly the stranger's hands wrapped around this neck, and in a coarse voice, the man started to speak, 'I don't really like you'

This voice—how could Yuki ever forget it,'shigaraki''? From the corner of his eyes, he saw the hooded stranger. Well he wasn't a stranger at all. 'what do you want?'

'Well, it's not what i want; it's what master wants', he paused and a huge  grin came upon his face, 'my bad, it's what MY master wants BACK!!'

Yuki can not do anything. He was very well aware of his surroundings,  how dangerous Shigaraki is and the situation he's in.

'so...what's this thing that 'your master' wants ?

Shigarki released his grip, letting go of Yuki. 'I would have loved to stay a while longer and have chitchat, but I had time to meet only another one of you, Yuki's eyes widened. He stood up at once and was almost prepared to attack, but Shigaraki pointed at a kid beside them.

'You bastard...' Yuki glared at him as he retreated into the crowd.  Yuki lost him; his phone rang.
It was from Yaoyorozu.

'Hey, we are done!'


'Umm..yes, what happened?'

There was a slight relief in Yuki's mind.

"Its Shigaraki!"


'Where is the class? I'll be there at once!!'

Yuki rushed to their location. rest of the students in class 1-A were already there. The shopping mall was immediately closed. And the police arrived almost immediately. Yuki informed about his brief interaction with Shigaraki. He was taken to the police station. And I had to give the detective their whole conversation in full detail.

'This is the first time that we have heard about 'master' and him 'wanting something back' the detective concluded, 'we can't say much with the information you both have provided.'

Deku bowed his head, 'It would have helped alot if I had stopped him.'
'Same here..' Yuki chimmed in.

'Not at all, kids, the detective said, prompting them to look up.
' It's actually pretty impressive on how you both handled the situation. An average citizen would have been terrified. You both managed to keep collateral damage to the minimum."

The detective finally left them. As soon as Yuki reached home, he called his mother, who was worried sick, He informed her that he wasn't harmed in any way and reassured her that he's alright.

The next day at school, they were informed that their location for the trip had been changed due to recent events. And with that, the first semester is over.

Yoayorozu and Yuki have gotten closer over the past few weeks. Earlier, he'd have lunch alone, occasionally being joined by Yaoyorozu.
Recently, almost every day, he's  been joining Yaoyorozu and Jiro. Sometimes other members of class 1-a joined him for lunch; even Bakugo joined him once. Surprisingly, the three teammates from sports festival often met him too.

Since joining UA, he's changed alot. And made many friends—and enemies'.

A/N: I know this chapter is shot, but trust me a major arc is coming.

Please do vote for the chapter and leave comments gives me motivation to write 
 ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و ♡

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