Chapter 1- Arrival

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<At the Musutafa Airport (UA is located in Musutafa City)>

???? : Yuki

Employee: So your name is Yuki ?

Yuki: Yes it's just Yuki.

Employee (confused): You came alone?

Yuki: Yes but I traveled with a dog.

Employee (concerned a bit): Any relatives here?

Yuki: No

Employee: So what's the purpose of your stay?

Yuki: To give the Entrance Exam in UA.

Employee: Ahh... I see a young boy with big dreams of be coming a hero. Well all I can do is wish you luck for the exam.

He said as he was stamping and signing the boy's passport. The boy took his passport back and gave him a smirk.

Yuki: I won't be needing it.

Yuki said this and left to collect his dog. After he collected his dog, Aki, then his luggage and skateboard, he took a cab and went to his apartment. He took the keys from the landlord and entered his apartment. He started to unpack his suitcase, as he took out his dog's leash, the dog came running to him and started licking him.

Yuki(Laughing and scratching her ears): OK girl we'll go for a walk after I am done. OK?

The dog stopped and waited patiently for him. After he was done he changed and wore a white tank top and a dark blue short.

Yuki: Come on Aki.

He tied the leash around her collar and took the skateboard around his arms and went out. He was walking with Aki down the streets getting to know the neighborhood better. Soon he saw a thief running down the street and behind him was All Might.


*Yuki*: There are many here with quirks and none of these idiots were doing anything and where are the damn heroes?

He was standing beside a flower shop, so he leaned his skateboard by the walls and asked his dog to sit. He went up to the owner who was watering his plants and took the water hose from his hands.

Yuki(facing the owner): I'll return this in a moment.

He dropped the water hose on the road, as soon as the thief stepped on the water he threw a small bolt of lightning which paralyzed him and he fell down.

Thief: You.. damn boy.....I'll!

He then kneeled down.

Yuki(mockingly): Only if you are able to stand.

As he got up All Might stood in front of him and everyone was shocked to see a boy knocking down a thief all by himself.

All Might: Young man, did you just take down this man, on your own.

<In the meantime>

Aki was sitting there patiently as she watched her owner knock down a thief. The only thing that she couldn't resist were Cats. A ginger colored cat was walking down the street, at first Aki growled at it and all her hair stood straight. The cat sensing the danger started to run and Aki started to chase it.

<Back to Yuki and All Might>

Yuki: Well I didn't knock him down I only paralyzed him for a few seconds he will be back on his feet soon.

All Might: Well what's your name?

Yuki: Yuki .

All Might(in disbelief asked): Yuki what?

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