Chapter 7- The Final

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Present Mic: TIME UP!!!

Due to the momentum Yuki fell over Shinso taking him off his team's shoulders and pinning him down on the ground with his left hand over his neck and right hand in fire ready to blast his face off. Yuki was angry at the fact that he wasn't in control of his own mind. A few seconds had passed, but he didn't leave him. Now the whole stadium was looking at him.


Shinso(Smiling): You lost. Now obey like you did during the match.

Yuki's eyes widened at his statement.

Saying this he punched down at the ground leaving little space between his fist and his face. Thankfully Yuki had put off his fire in time before Shinso's face could get burned. His classmates thought that he would literally punch him.

Midnight: Yuki !!!!!

Yuki got up and walked towards his team looking down. Present Mic started announcing the teams who all advanced to the next round. Unfortunately Yuki couldn't pass through

Yuki: I am sorry, you all lost because of me.

Tetsutetsu: It's not your fault that you were mind controlled. Even I was under his control.

Awase: Hey it's fine.

Juzo: We did great during the first half.

Yuki(leaving): But we didn't win.


Shigaraka: Sensei, did you see that.

All for one: Yes I did.

Black mist: So that proves it?

All for one: That creation of mine is clearly marvelous.

<During the lunch break>

Yuki was sitting alone staring at his lunch and poking at it. His teammates tried to cheer him up but he just pushed them away. Then Yoayorozu came to him and sat beside him with her lunch.

Yuki(staring at his food): Good luck for the next round.

Yaoyorozu: Hey cheer up.

Yuki: That is easy for you to say.

Yaoyorozu: What do you mean?

Yuki: Remember my speech before we started.

Yaoyorozu: I am sure nobody will remember them.

Yuki: yea right

Unfortunately all the heroes who were watching him from the start were talking about it.

After a few minutes Kaminari, Mineta and all the girls from 1-A came to their table.

Kaminari: You all need to prepare for a cheerleading competition.

Yaoyorozu: What?

Mineta: You are free to not believe us, but it was direct from Aizawa Sensei.

Yaoyorozu: Fine I am coming. I will meet you later Yuki.

Yuki didn't say anything.

<After Break>

As the students were entering the ground Present Mic was commenting about the cheerleaders from the USA who ever performing during the break.


Everyone turned towards the girls of 1-A. As the girls realized it was all a trap.

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