The hunt is on

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---Orion's POV---

Our plan might be good in theory, but everything balanced on a massive series of chances.

First of all, we needed to find a Siren within the entire ocean, someone who was definitely aware of their surroundings and avoiding any Mer territories.

A being that was constantly looking over their back, constantly nervous and sensing their surroundings. Especially in the ocean.

Then, if we managed to find this Siren, we had to be able to approach them without Elijah being sensed in any way possible.

On top of that, we had to somehow convince this Siren that we weren't a threat, even if we were working together with a Siren's mortal enemy.

A sigh escaped me as the headache pulsed sharply in my temples. Things would be so much easier if there was a Siren settlement or known locations that they frequented.

But then again, if everyone knew where to find Sirens, then my whole species would've been extinct a long while ago. Merfolk would've swarmed the vicinity and hunted every single Siren down without a hint of remorse.

Which made Cain's simple question of "Where could we encounter Sirens?" so much more difficult. He eyed me curiously, waiting for a response and sharing a look with Archer and Elijah as I merely sighed and rubbed at my temples.

"It's a simple answer, yet it makes everything so much more complicated." I groaned, as I hadn't even stopped to consider it until Cain asked me the question.

When the others simply gazed at me in silence, I motioned to myself as I asked Elijah "What is the one thing that we have in common, yet pureblooded Merfolk are unable to do?"

Elijah blinked, flitting down to my feet before he groaned in frustration. "Fuck me... Transform and walk on legs." The mer scowled at the ceiling with a muttered, "Of course things can't be easy."

Archer frowned as well, sharing a look with Cain before realization sank in. "Wait... They can be anywhere? Fucking anywhere?" He motioned towards our surroundings, to Cain's island and the people living there in secret.

I nodded slowly as I confirmed, "It is the safest place for a Siren to be without needing to risk being spotted by the Merfolk. As long as they have access to the ocean, they can live their lives peacefully and relatively safe."

"After all compared to us," I stated with a motion between Elijah and myself, "A human's senses are rather dull. They may think Sirens are particularly charming or good-looking, but they wouldn't suspect them to be walking myths."

Elijah hummed in agreement. "I've been on land before. Though in my case with my particular... ancestry, I need to make sure I hide some of my aura so to speak."

I shivered, as I could only imagine how it would feel for a human to be the target of a Merfolk's murderous intent. Even if their instincts were duller than ours, they could still sense when they were in the presence of a predator.

Either Elijah would've been avoided like the plague while he was on land, or guards would instantly swarm whatever settlement he visited, simply due to the lethal aura he exuded.

"Not to mention that pureblood Merfolk cannot transform their tails." Elijah hummed thoughtfully, scratching at his throat before grinning. "It's such an obvious tactic when you think about it. Go where your predator can't follow."

I nodded before amending, "But it's almost impossible for the merfolk to lie in wait around every island, inhabited or not." Merfolk could lie in wait for days on end and observe the islands but they would grow bored and hungry soon enough.

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