Chapter 1: Welcome To Earth Huntresses!

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Ruby's Pov: 

I don't understand, how do these officers not know who we were? and where even are we?! The last thing I remembered was that me and my team were trying to stop a train that was heading into Vale with a bunch of Grimm. while fighting Roman and a bunch of the white fang, Weiss was able to protect us before the train could collide against a wall then it all went white. Now we were in the middle of a road somewhere in Vale, at least I think we were in Vale, trying to talk to the police that we were huntresses. So far it wasn't going well, they were cursing at us that could fill up my swear jar and they seemed to have no clue what a huntsman or a huntress was. Yang was fighting back which didn't help but add more shouting until I spoke up.

Ruby: "Officer please, could you tell us what part of Vale are we in? we are in quite a hurry."

Cop 1: "What part of- Ok, ok That's it! we don't get time for your bullshit! Drop your weapons or we will fire!" I saw the second cop cocking his shotgun and was ready to fire.

Blake: "Hey you can't just shoot us!" 

Cop 2: "Yes we can! You might as well be accomplices of the recent bank robbery, White Skull." he said the last part with venom, Blake flinched when she heard that name.

Blake: "White.... what?" 

Then before we knew it, another cop car came to our right and two more officers came out of it pointing their guns at us. This is all happening too fast, Bank robbery? accomplices? White Skull? Have they changed their name? they don't even seem to know Vale too, judging by their looks. then if we aren't in Vale, where are we? I could see my sister's eyes turn red as she readied ember celica and saw my team had done the same.

Ruby: "Guys, we have to get out of here." I whispered but enough for my team to hear me.

Yang: "How?! They aren't going to let us through."

Ruby: "I-I'll think of something."

Weiss: "Well you better hurry it up, it seems that they're not the only ones out here tonight." 

More sirens were heard from the distance and were growing louder and louder, no doubt that they are coming for us. Then we heard gunfire not far from us that spooked us a bit but the cops were frantically looking in all directions freaking out. we don't know why but it was an opening for us to get out.

Cop 1: "Shit! Where the hell was that coming from?!" he and his partner turned their backs on us and were waving their weapons around the surrounding buildings which gave us even more of an opening.

Ruby: "NOW!"

Cop 2: "WAI-" Just as he started to face us again he was greeted by a wind of roses on his face causing him to stumble back a bit and fall to the ground.

Weiss used her glyphs to speed up her movement, narrowly avoiding the gunfire from the other police officers before taking a sharp right turn on the road. Yang used ember celica to propel herself upwards and into the rooftop of the shorter buildings and so did Blake as she swung herself upwards with her weapon and joined Yang in one of the buildings. We had to find ourselves a place to hide from the police and try to find out where exactly are we on remnant.

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I don't why I'm doing this, I don't why I just wasted a clip for these girls to escape the cops, but it somehow felt right. As I  was reloading my gun, I looked up to find two of the girls, the yellow and the black one, jumping from one building to the other. these girls continue to amaze me yet again as I stared in awe before shaking my head and reloading my gun. I could hear one of the cops barking orders before they all got back to their vehicles and chased after the girls at high speed. These cops weren't gonna quit that's for sure, I had to find a way to save these girls from them. Good thing the white skull has established some secret outposts around the city, in case the white skull members were to be in a pickle they could hide in one of the Outposts and wait for the cops to stop looking for them. That was my goal, catch up to the girls and convince them I am a friend and definitely not the right-hand man of the most notorious and dangerous group in the world hehe. I shook my head before I gave chase as well, tiredness all gone as I somehow felt like these girls would change everything around here.

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