Chapter 7 - Cut Me Some Slack, Huh?

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(A/N - Oh geez it's been a bit.. yikes! Sorry about that, I've been beyond busy lately. My schedule should be settling down a bit now though, so hopefully I'll be able to keep on updating everyday like usual.)

You had gone back to the hotel with your cats that night and gone to bed pretty early, only staying up for about an hour to do your math homework and clean up a few pieces of the project that needed it. Overall, the night had gone fine for you. Your house on the other hand... not so much.

The drive from the hotel to your school was short, but it was twice as long as your normal morning drives. This was because it and the school were both about equidistant from your house. Your normally ten minute drive now took between twenty and twenty-five minutes. Not that it was really an issue, but it was a bit annoying.

Because of your house being a convenient mid-point, you decided you would check out of the hotel and drop your stuff there, along with your cats. However, you hadn't expected to pull over and see what you saw.

Of course you should have expected this - those fangirls were nutjobs - but even for them, this seemed extreme. Your house was the largest on the block because, put simply, your dad was fucking loaded because of that construction company. So to realistically do what they did must've been a pain in the ass.

Your entire house was covered in toilet paper and splattered eggs. Great. So original. You honestly wanted to laugh. This dumb idea wasn't going to make it any easier for 'poor sweet Jeffy' to get his revenge. In fact, wouldn't it make it harder? Breaking into a house covered in eggs and toilet paper seemed much harder than breaking into a normal house. And you surely wouldn't stay there when something like this had happened, so him breaking in would be pointless.

Oh well. You would just call the cops and report the vandalism and show them the footage from your security camera. You were glad they refused to hand out any information to that fucked podcast the other day. But it certainly bothered you how fast all of this was happening. News traveled fast in small towns, but still. This was insane.

You called the non-emergency number for the police station and explained the situation. They were very understanding and said that they would send a cleaning crew out to fix things up. You thanked them and offered the door-cam footage, which they said they would get from you later. Simple.

Once you were done gawking, you took a picture of your house and got back in your car. Your cats would be fine - you could drop them at a pet daycare for the day and pick them up after school. It would be fine.

And you did just that. It was a short thing and within a few minutes you had paid, dropped off your cats with them, and were back on your way to school.


You arrived at school about fifteen minutes before the first bell, and went to your first class - history. While waiting for class to start, you pulled your computer out of your backpack and decided to watch something on youtube for a while.

After the first bell rang, you closed your computer and put it away to prepare for class to start.

And so it began.

The first sign that this day was going to suck was the pop quiz your teacher handed out. Great. A pop quiz. On a Monday. Amazing. Luckily, you were a smartie-pants, and a history quiz was no problem for you. At least your classmates would be quiet. Take the wins where you can, yes?

You turned it in and went back to your seat, looking carefully at the chair before sitting down to avoid any thumbtacks anyone might've left on the chair.

And a damn good thing you did, too. There on your seat, in bright shining silver, was a thumbtack. And it was sharp as shit. You groaned and carefully picked it up and brought it back to the teacher's desk.

A BLOODY GOOD TIME // Creepypasta x Fem. ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now