chapter two;

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"So are you so excited?" My mom asked as she pulled out of our driveway.
"Is that even a question?" I laughed.
She laughed back.
I was really close with my mom.
Although she can have her classic annoying mom moments (everyone does) she really is my best friend.
She's the only person in my life I can actually count on.
Too many people have let me down.
Too many...

About an hour later of listening to country music, we pulled up to the airport.
"Ugh it's sill pouring out!" I sighed. "Yeah, let's get the suitcases quickly." My mom added.
We hopped out of the door popped the truck, grabbed our stuff and headed for the entrance.
"Great im soaking wet!" I said rolling my eyes.
"Don't blame me, go call Mother Nature." My mom replied.

We soon got through security and and got in line for our tickets.
There was an old lady behind us.
She tapped me on the shoulder.
"You are a very beautiful young lady." She said as she smiled softly.
I immediately smiled back.
"Thank you so much you're so sweet!" I replied.
"You have to have a boyfriend!" She laughed.
"No... I don't." I said looking down. "NEXT!" The lady screamed at the front desk.
"Well it was nice meeting you." I waved as I hurried along with my mom to the desk.
Her words kept replaying in my mind; you have to have a boyfriend!
That brought back to many memories. Bad ones.

We got our tickets and went over to our station where our plane takes off in an hour.
"Hey mom can I have some money I want to get Starbucks?" I asked.
"Yeah sure." She replied.
I zipped open my suitcase and took a change of clothes since I was soaked. "Thanks." I replied as I grabbed the money.

I was so pissed.
This trip barely begun and im already soaked and thinking too much about him. About Daniel.

I ordered and picked up my coffee.
I walked over to the small stand to add some milk and sugar.
"Perfe-" I started before the worst thing happened.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!" A boy said as my coffee was all over the floor and all over me.
Now I was completely drenched.
"Watch where you're going! I just spent $7 on that coffee and now my clothes are stained!" I yelled.
"I know I'm so sorry I'll buy you a new one right now! And clothes!" He pleaded. "Just forget about it. Thanks a lot jerk." I scuffled as I threw the coffee cup on the ground.
Graysons POV
I feel terrible.
I was walking over to Starbucks to get a cake pop and I accidentally walked right into this girl.
She spilt her coffee everywhere.
She was so pissed.
As she stormed away I picked up the coffee cup she threw on the floor and looked on it for her name.
"Sammy" it read.
I got in line again, and got her another coffee and put milk and sugar just like she did.
The only thing I didn't think about is now I have to go find her in this airport.
This giant airport.

Sammys POV
I was so angry and just done.
I was half awake.
I really needed that coffee.
I walked down to the middle of the airport to a ladies restroom.
Just as I was opening the door, someone poked my shoulder.
I turned around to see a boy.
"Is there room for two in there?" He smirked.
"Grow up you perv." I replied as I opened the door, but he closed it shut.
"You're so sexy and you're a little feisty. We can have loads of fun." He winked. "Get the hell off of me." I said but he grabbed my wrist.
"I can't wait to take of all these clothes...there already wet, let me help you change." He said.
"Stop you're hurting me!" I said getting teary eyed.
"Hey!" Someone called from the distance. The boy turned around.
"Who the hell are you?" The boy asked.
"It doesn't matter who I am. It seems like your bothering this girl." He said.
I knew who that was.
It was the boy who spilt my coffee on me. "Well we are just fine!" My boy said. "Look man, I'm gonna ask you one time to step away from her or your going to be on the floor faster then you can count to 3." The coffee boy said.
The boy looked unsure.
The coffee boy was way stronger.
He could win in a fight no doubt.
The boy quickly gave up.
He glanced at both of us before walking away.
"Uh thank you so much." I said scratching my neck.
"No biggy. Anyways I should be the one apologizing." He replied.
"No, no I was being so rude back there im just tired and ugh I'm sorry." I explained. He handed me the coffee. "Here...Sammy." He smiled.
I noticed my name on the cup, he must've looked at my other cup.
I gave a weak smile.
"Thanks.." I said.
"Well I gotta change." I added. "Okay...bye." He waved.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed that chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment I love your feedback!
Xoxo kirsten 💋

19 Hours In The Clouds; Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now