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Hi. I changed my username bc some of my friends were finding out and that's weird. Don't worry it's still me though.

Anyways I'm really upset. I wanted to go to digifest bc the twins were going to be there this weekend at nyc and now only one of my friends can go but none of our parents can drive. My other friend might be able to go but probably not. Now general admission is sold out and I don't know if my friends are willing to pay $111 to do the private meet and greet with the twins. I'm so upset and sad I'll try to update. Ugh. I'm seriously crying. I've never got this upset. I don't care if you call me over dramatic, there was going to be so many famous youtubers and viners there and when they announced the twins I was sososososososo happy. Ugh. Are any of you guys going?
Okay my rant is over, I'm going to go cry some more bye

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