chapter 13;

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My heart dropped when I saw Daniel talking to grayson.
I couldn't see graysons face because he was sitting with his back faced to me.
I wasn't sure what I should do.
Walk away?
Go over there?
Go near ethan?
I had no idea.
I just walked into the room and moved open the sliding door fast, causing it to make a sound.
Everyone turned around and looked at me, including Daniel and grayson.

Daniels face was evil.
Pure evil.
He had a smirkish expression on his face as he got up and walked towards me.
He let his shoulder brush up against mine.
"Hello princess." He whispered as he walked out.
"You are welcome to eat breakfast with me at my seat." He called as he walked farther away.
My heart raced as I saw grayson just looking down.
I slowly walked over and sat down. "Grayson." I whispered.
He just looked down.
"Grayson what's going on?" I asked.
Still he didn't move.
"What the fuck did he say to you grayson?!" I asked raising my voice.
He slowly picked up his head but didn't say anything.
His blank but sorrowful eyes met mine. "Why are you acting like this?! Talk to me!" I said beginning to cry while I put my hands on his shoulders.
I waited a few moments for him to speak. "Goodbye Sammy." Grayson whispered while he shed a tear and didn't even bother to wipe it away.
He got up and headed for the door. "Grayson stop!" I screamed now crying. "Please." He whimpered as he walked out. I stood there breathless and confused as I made my way over to ethan.
"What did Daniel say to grayson?!" I demanded.
"What?" He asked.
"Daniel was sitting over there talking to grayson just 5 minutes ago what did he say to him?!" I asked again.
"Oh i don't know I've been over here with this girl Megan she's really amazing." Ethan said making her blush.
"You're not a help at all." I said rushing out of the room.

I headed towards Daniels seat and opened his curtain.
"Oh princess I knew you'd join me for breakfast!" He smirked.
"Daniel I don't have time for your bull shit what the fuck did you fucking say to Grayson?!" I asked.
"I remember when we dated, you used to curse when you were angry. There's no need to be angry right now. I'm here. I'm all you need princess." He said stroking my arm.
"I'm not your princess. Stop calling me that! NOW TELL ME!" I screamed.
"Sit here." He said calmly.
I sat down in the seat closest to the window.
He pulled over our curtain, locking it.
He came over and sat on my lap before I could move.
He quickly pulled out duck tape and taped my mouth shut as well as my hands.
He straddled my lap.
"Now listen. You don't need grayson. He doesn't like you. You need me. You need my love. You need me to show you how I can love you just like old times." He said slowly moving his hands over my boobs and down near my core. I squirmed and squiggled as much as I possibly could, but I could never get out of his grip.
"Now you're going to go get your stuff and bring it back here to my seat. If you're not back in 3 minutes, you'll regret it. Big time." He explained.
He ripped off the duct tape surely leaving a mark.
I stood up and walked down to my seat. The tears were streaming down my face faster by the moment.
I quickly packed up my things and sighed not being able to say bye to grayson.
I was so confused and hurt and I didn't know what to do.
I was walking back to Daniels seat when an arm came flying out of a curtain and pulled me in.
It was grayson.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter! Also if you follow me on wattpad, I post messages when I begin writing the next chapter my page that my followers get notified when I write something. So follow me if you want! Also please remember to vote and comment! I love your feedback!
Xoxo kirsten💋

19 Hours In The Clouds; Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now