chapter 20/final chapter:)

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"Sammy." The doctor called from the hallway.




"What what WHAT?"

I opened my eyes.

"Come on we are landing in 5 minutes." Grayson said.

My breathing hitched. "G-grayson." I whispered.
"Wait why are you crying?" He asked. "What the hell is going?" I asked.
"You slept the entire flight why?" He asked.
It was just a dream.
The whole thing.
I jumped on him grabbing his face. "You're alive! You're alive! I thought you were dead oh my gosh!" I cried jumping on him hugging him with all my might. "Wow, um yes I'm alive I thought you didn't really like me." Grayson giggled. "Why wouldn't I like you?" I asked.
"Well before you fell alseep, I didn't get the impression you liked me very much." Grayson said.
(Go back to chapter 4)
" sorry. I just had a crazy dream and you died and the plane crashed because my crazy ex boyfriend was on the plane and it was just a disaster." I giggled. "I hate nightmares." Grayson replied. "Ugh you have no idea. Can I like do something?" I asked.
"Sure." Grayson smiled.
I jumped on his lips and kissed him so passionately.
Luckily he didn't pull away.
"W-woah what was that for?" He asked. "Just to make sure the nightmare wasn't real." I smiled.

After a minute, the plane landed and I met up with my mom.
I walked back over to grayson so we could go over to get our luggage together.
He picked up my suitcase for me. "Thanks." I smiled tucking hair behind my ear.
"You're welcome." He said intertwinnng both our hands.
"Gray come on our cabs here." Ethan called.
"Okay." Grayson called back.
"Well maybe I'll see you around Singapore." Grayson smiled.
"I hope so." I replied.
He took me in for a long hug as I felt him slip something into my back pocket.
I took it out.

Here's my number:) 9086643710 gray :)

I looked up to see grayson smirking.
"Just incase your ever bored." Grayson laughed turning red.
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Bye." He waved.
"Bye coffee boy." I replied.
I sighed as I watched him walk out the door and quickly put his number in my phone.

To grayson: miss you already :(

I slid my phone into my back pocket and began walking towards my mom.
By accident I bumped into someone.
"Oh gosh sorry I'm such a klutz." I said looking down totally embarrassed.
"It's okay princess." I heard a boy say.
I looked up and frowned as my breathing hitched.
"D-Daniel?" I asked.
He looked into my eyes, winked and walked away.

Hey guys! Omg! This book is finished! I hope you enjoyed and this chapter surprised you! Also that ending though😉 this was supposed to leave you thinking. Anyways thank you so much for the endless support through voting and commenting. I read every single comment and each one makes me smile and laugh. Even the mean ones haha! I cannot believe I just finished my 3rd book! I hope you all enjoyed the 'ride' and please leave some suggestions for another fanfic. I do have another idea I just want to see what you guys come up with first! Also comment your thoughts on the book and rank my books in order from which one you liked the most and down: Held Hostage, Prude and 19 Hours In The Clouds! I'm just curious :)
Thanks so much and don't delete this off you library yet because I will be posting updates about another book on here to inform you guys!
Xoxo kirsten 💋

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