Its never forever

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——- December 1st '85

It's just reached lunch time, and iv finally packed up the little amount of things i'll be taking to LA into boxes and bags. I carry each bag and box into my car and hand my key into the front desk.

Everything feels too surreal as i slowly step down the concreted steps and hop into my yellow vw bug, it's a 1967 and it was my fathers first car and now mine, i loved her she is my pride and joy and each time i drive i can't help but feel my father's presence. Driving down the familiar road with boxes and bags pulled into the back and passengers seat i feel memories flood my mind.

Some good memories from growing up and learning who i am, some bad of the darker side of my growing up, tears almost spill from eyes as i think about how i don't have any friends to tell my new experiences too or write a letter to. You see my whole primary and high school youth i struggled to make friends, in primary school i was 'weird' and 'strange' but in high school i ended up being used for my looks and my body.

I find myself pushing those thoughts away as i pull into the local florist, i pick a bouquet of pink lilly's and baby's breath, my mums favourite combination. For my dads headstone i pick three red roses one each to represent my mother, brother and me.

I drive past the cemetery and find the familiar grey marble headstone.

I place the three red roses into the provided little vase, and sit the letter next to them, i sit next to the headstone and tell him about my plans i like to think he hears every word i say. And that he'll be guiding me through this journey.

Once i finished at the cemetery i made my way to my childhood home to say goodbye to mum and tommy, i walked in to mum making  lunch and Tommy playing his guitar upstairs. I call tommy down and sit the two on the couch handing them both there letters and mum her flowers, i get them to read the contents.

Pure excitement washed over mums face and she looked up at me giving me a huge hug. Saying things like,

" You'll do big things Rose" and "Don't forget me in your acceptance speeches".

But Tommy, he looked almost hurt and sad,

"What's wrong Tom?" I ask as i sit beside him and throw him into a side hug.

"I'm just worried, i just don't want you to get hurt"

As much as he liked to think he was a tough guy he really was a softie but it's cute and the fact that he cares about my well-being makes me happy.

"I'll call you guys everyday, and i'll update you on everything even if it's the smallest things, and i promise i'll be safe, if you ever get worried just call me okay"

I comfort him as he accepts my leaving, i give them one last hug and head out the door.

Here we go Seattle-Los Angels, a total of 17 hours without delay. I had already booked a cheap but also nice hotel to stay for a few nights while i apply for jobs and look for housing.


Iv been driving for almost 6 hours now, part of me feeling so free and exited about the life ahead of me. Some parts feel sad and scared. This all happened quite quickly but that's who i am, if i want something it's gotta happen as quickly as possible.

Music fills the air as the sun starts to set painting pink and orange colours in the sky. I continue to drive for half an hour until i see the sign for the hotel i stay in tonight, relief at last my body needs rest if i'm gonna make in to LA tomorrow.

I pull into the car park grab my small overnight bag, get the key and finally i can rest. I turn the tv onto MTV while i get everything settled. Once i'm showered and in comfy cloths i call my mother and brother to let them know how the first half of the trip went.

Slowly i doze of, needing rest for a ten-eleven hour drive tomorrow.

—— December 2nd '85

I rub my eyes and look at the small clock, 6:15 am. Right on time, i make the bed and get ready for the long drive ahead, handing my keys back to the receptionist with a 'thank you'. I get on the road again and drive to the closest service station to fill up and get some breakfast, i'm starving i didn't even eat dinner because i was so exited.

I filled up my beetle and grabbed a cheese toastie along with a iced coffee to eat and drink on my way.

I love seeing the people drive and the busyness of the people around me, it's sort of comforting to me, thinking about how maybe there doing what i am and moving state or maybe there just driving to the grocery shop.


The total of ten hours and twenty five minute drive not including the numerous servo stops felt quick actually, i reached the bustling city and found my hotel for the next week and a half. It was nice definitely not the most expensive or amazing but hey, it'll work for now. I went to get my key, seeing all different businesses advertised and take-out menus. I also saw adds for jobs that we're hiring.

'Whiskey a Go Go'

No experience needed, just need a friendly attitude and a love for music. That sounds like me, a grab a flyer and make my way to my room. Making trips down and up the stairs to retrieve my things.

A sigh escaping my lips, i'm exhausted but not yet sleepy. So i turn the tv onto some random comedy movie and make a list for tomorrow.

'Tomorrow - 03/12/85
- Groceries!
-Explore the city
-Call mum and Tommy
-Take my resume into the Whiskey'

Okay now i'm sleepy, off to bed for an exiting first full day in LA.


Hey lovely's,

This is my first continuous story that isn't different one shots, so please don't be afraid to give me your opinions if you have any.

I know this chapter itself isn't about Duff, but just hang on he'll be very soon!! x Also one more thing i know all the dates and years may not add up/ be correct, but we'll just ignore that. And the 17 hour car ride was probably so not smart but oh well this is fiction. Please don't forget to vote!!

Hope you all enjoyed x

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