Get to know each other

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——December 5th '85 (duffs pov)

'Beep, beep, beep!'

That fucking alarm clock wouldn't shut up, i sighed as i pulled the white sheet from over my shoulders, Rosemary was snuggled into my arms and she looked beautiful. I didn't want her to wake so i quickly but carefully reached my arm across to the wooden bedside table and switched the alarm.

She was already starting to stir from the loud noise, however the silence very soon saw her back to a deep sleep. I held her even tighter in my arms, never wanting her to leave my sight.

Truth be told ever since our last year in high school iv thought she was the prettiest girl, she has long and thick shiny blond hair that has a natural wave to it, bright green eyes that you can get lost in, tiny brown freckles that sit in her smooth skin and the absolute heart of an angle.

Besides her looks and what iv heard about her personality iv never got to know her to well, i always wished i could've built up confidence to talk to her but my anxiety got the worst of me.

But seeing the sweet girl iv wanted for so very long sleeping in my arms made me forget about all my problems. I continue lying there, Rosemary curled in my arms as i stroke her soft hair, never wanting this moment to end.

About a half an hour passes and she stirs awake, softly opening her big green eyes and looking into mine, she tiredly smiled at me as she rubbed the corner of her eye.

"Good morning beautiful" i kissed her forehead.

"mmh morning-" her yawn cut her off, we both laughed.

We sat up together getting more comfortable as she sat between my legs, my back resting on the wooden bed head. We sat in silence for a good few minutes, just taking in each others presence.

"yknow Rosemary i'm so happy to have you here, i mean i know we never talked in school and i would've loved to, but i want to know you. I wanna know every little detail i mean we are gonna live together now" i explained.

"me too babe, tell me everything like from arriving in LA to now"

'babe' i smiled to myself.

"Okay okay, so i got here a few weeks after graduation, i slept on couches of people who were stupid enough to let me. Played in a few bands did a few gigs. Then i saw that these guys needed a bassist so i got a call, and we clicked. Now we play gigs around town and we'd love to get a record deal i mean imagine us on a real record, how cool! But yeah we all decided it would be good to just live together and i think it's working out fine" I shrugged

"Sounds like fun, i hope you guys can get a record deal. From what i heard the other day you guys will have it in no time" she explained to me.

"That means so much, thank you Rosie"

She answered with a smile, before telling me that she didn't really have anything cool or interesting to tell me, yeah right!

"There's gotta be something interesting about you!" i told her, she shook her head and laughed.

God her smile was to die for.

"Okay okay, how much do you wanna know cause iv only been here for just under a week" she shrugged.

"Everything, every little detail well only what your comfortable with of course" I told her.

We made eye contact before she quickly looked away, the red blush appearing on her face.

"Okay so, my names Rosemary of course, but my mum and brother call me Rosie and you do to i guess" she smiled.

I asked her mother and brothers name, i found out her younger brother was 16 and that her mums name was Eloise.

"I grew up doing dancing, but i injured my back a few years back so i had to stop. But i still dance as a hobby sometimes, and when i was ten my father passed away" Her eyes instantly dropped from her gaze on myself.

My heart aches for her, i didn't want ask questions yet so i just let her talk, i gave her physical comfort by stroking her hair and drawing shapes along her stomach.

"I miss him obviously but i use it as my strength to succeed at things. After that we all just did our best and slowly healed, i was afraid to be in a car for a while but i eventually got over that which was good. Went to school obviously, i knew for a fact that i wanted to move here because i want to be an actress or hopefully a model." She smiled.

"oooo a model, yknow when we get big and have music videos you can star in them, you'll get a lot of attention Rosie your gorgeous" Her eyes lit up when i said this.

"No way!? Iv always wanted to be in a music video, thanks so much Duffy"

Duffy huh, that was a new one, but i didn't mind it coming from her.

"So anyway the day after graduation i made the long 17 hour drive and found a job at whiskey and now i'm here" She explained.

"And apparently your boring, not at all baby" i laughed.

She blushed as she began to get out of bed, i held her waist to help her gain her balance. She let me know she was going to go shower, so i held her hand leading her to the bathroom. She let the water get warm as i went back to my room to get her one of my shirts, a pair of her shorts and some undergarments.

I thought she wouldn't really mind not having a fancy outfit on considering we're weren't doing anything till later the that night. I decided to go meet the guys out in the lounge room while Rosie showered.

"Hey bitches" i said joining them eating breakfast on the couch.

"Hi duffyyyyy" Steven mocked, i guess he heard her.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the tv stealing a piece of Slashes toast, i caught a glimpse of the guys giving each other looks like they were deciding something. Steven elbowed Axl to say something.

"Sooooo what happened with Miss Rosemary, we know you guys slept in the same bed" He raised his eyebrows nudging me in the side.

"Nothing happened you dicks, the floor was uncomfortable so i slept with her" i shrugged.

"We'll then what was all that 'how could i forget your pretty face' bullshit" Slash added in a mocking tone.

"Oh shut up, we just figured out we went to school together and all that" I shrugged.

"Hey that's pretty cool man" Izzy added, the only one who was somewhat mature about this all.

Turns out we were so invested in the conversation we didn't even hear the shower stop, because Rosemary came and joined us. And holy moly she was beautiful, her shimmy hair in a high bun and wearing my shirt. She was just effortlessly gorgeous.


Hi my beautiful people x

We finally have a Duff Pov, let me know what you think as i would love to do a few more. I know this chapter is a little bit boring but i wanted to get things moving!!

Hope you all enjoyed!! Please don't forget to vote x

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