Christmas with Guns

103 5 25

— December 25th 85'

For the past two or so weeks iv been resting, resting my mind, my body, my soul. Things lately have been tough to say the least. The boys decided they didn't want to perform without me working as i had taken time off after the incident happened. Meaning money had been a struggle for us right now.

Struggling with money around Christmas time was hard, having to see families buying gifts for each other and having money still left over. I mean like we only had a enough money to buy each other a secret Santa gift.

Doing secret santa had been something iv wanted to do forever so when the chance rolled around i grabbed it up instantly. Let me explain....

****flash back 5 days****

"Who wants to do a secret santa, like we'll write down all our names and then we'll pick one and then-"

"We know how secret santa works idiot" Axl cut Steven off.

We were all sitting down watching some lame christmas movie on the tv, i was sat on Duff's lap on the couch whilst the others were hovered around out living room table eating some pizza that Slash had gotten us for free, tbh i don't know how he got it for free.... but i'm not one to judge.

"It would be really fun actually, when will we do this?" Duff added as our heads all turned to Steven.

"Whenever, we could choose who we get tonight if you's all wanted" Steven shrugged.

We all mutually agreed and started to write down our own names while Slash grabbed an old top hat he had stolen to put out names in.

We each chucked our own names while Steven mixed them around, then we had to pick what order we would draw out a name. Obviously Axl wanted first pick and none of us felt like dealing with that shit tonight so we let him.

I went, then Duff, then Izzy, Slash and finally Steven. We all sat back down and excitedly read who we had. A few "YES"s and "really?"s were heard witch made me laugh, i had received Izzy which was good, i was excited to get some cool things for him. I peaked over my shoulder to see who Duff had but he wouldn't show me, he said it was a 'surprise'.

Which obviously gave away that Duff had gotten me because why else would he say it was a surprise? Anyway i decided we should decide on a budget.

"How much are we gonna be spending?" i asked

"i didn't even think of that to be honest, i don't really know much any of us even have" added Iz.

"We'll i don't know about all of you but i actually have money saved, like a responsible adult" Duff said.

Duff a responsible adult?... idk about that one

"Impressive blondie, ms too though" Axl added

"and me" coming from Steven

Apparently all of us had some saved money that no one else new about. Surprise turn of events if you ask me. We settled on a good $150 which does seem like a lot but apparently everyone was rich in this band.

**** end of flash back ****

We were all sat on our old rug in front of our makeshift Christmas tree, hot chocolates in each of our hands with Christmas movie re-runs playing on the tv. Steven had rented out one of those cheap Santa suits and fake beard and was convincing us he was the real Santa, we all obviously went along with it because, well, we're nice people.

"HO HO HO HOE BITCHES" 'santa' shouted, as we all laughed.

He had a garbage bag full of presents that we had wrapped and put under tree, i guess santa just wanted to deliver them still. He placed them under the tree and the amount of presents amazed me, for a bunch a broke guys and a bartender we did pretty good.

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