Lets get you started

199 2 7

—— December 3rd '85

I woke to the lovely sound of someone's car alarm going off, looking over at the clock beside me it read 10:15 am a bit of a late wake up but it'll work. I rubbed my eyes and attempted to free myself from overly tightly tucked hotel bed sheets, once i was out i opened the long curtain to reveal the city. It wasn't super busy yet. But the sun was shining with no clouds in the sky.

I got ready for the day in some basic denim shorts and a cropped band tee. Threw on my shoes and headed out the door, i needed some groceries and essentials so i drove to a near by grocery shop and grabbed some things to last me a few nights.


Once everything is put away i looked for the flyer from yesterday, i picked it up and dialled the number on the bottom. After two or three rings i heard a voice. I said the usual 'iv just moved here and seen your guys flyer', such and such.

Now i have a few hours to explore the city before i have a trial shift after the quick interview on the phone. I made myself a bit more presentable and i decided to just walk around instead of driving, i saw different clubs and bars, music and clothing shops that i need to visit 100%. I stumbled across the 'whiskey' were i would be in a few hours. It looked like a really cool place, it was quiet at this time but i can't wait to see it at night.

I started to head home early so i would have enough time to get my hair, makeup and outfit sorted. I got back to the hotel and dialled the familiar phone number of my Seattle home. Tommy picked up and was ecstatic to hear how LA was treating me so far. Iv got to admit even being by myself i feel at home, the environment and the people just feel so right.

Both mum and tommy happy about my trial shift tonight and wished me well. We said our goodbyes and i started getting ready. I did my usual makeup but a little bit more vamped up, hair had to be up so it was in a high pony with my face framing pieces out and i just wore some comfy jeans and converse with a basic top (i get my work tops tonight).


I arrived ten minutes early and headed through the doors, there wasn't that many people but to be fair it was only 8:30 pm. I met the manager for tonight and he gave me a shirt to wear it was just plain black with the words 'whiskey a go go' on the front, i tied the front to sit just above my jeans and got put with a girl who would train me. She was nice and had patience with me, which i was very thankful for, her name was Maddy apparently she's been working here for about two years.

She was good she took me step by step with different drinks and money handling, it was stressful but definitely fun. It was reaching 11 pm now and the crowd was buzzing. I was having so much fun just being in this environment and watching the small band's performance that was on right now. They were pretty cool they call themselves 'loaded diaper' or something strange like that.

They finished off and crowd cheered, the building slowly started to smell of alcohol and cigarettes, an almost nauseating smell that was definitely gonna take some time to get used too.

It was reaching midnight and one last band was playing, they must be pretty great because if the club wasn't already full it was now, bodies were crammed and the bar was more full then ever. Keeping up with the drinks i was making was tuff but the other bar tenders helped me out thankfully. I didn't really take notice of the band playing for this reason, when i finally got a second to watch i fully understood why the crowd was so loud. They were fucking awesome.

The lead singer had a killer voice and a fierce attitude, he was owning the stage and it was so amazing, there drummer had a wide smile on his face and hair that reached heaven. Their lead guitarist made that guitar sound like a thing of a god and their rhythm guitarist was amazing too but he definitely seemed a bit more quiet. And the bassist don't get me started on him. He had bleach blond hair with a few chunks died black that framed his soft but also sharp facial features. He wore black skinny jeans with suspenders no shirt and bold eye makeup

He definitely looked very punk and that, i love. Throughout their set i found myself nodding my head to the music that filled the club, still serving more customers then ever though. It reached 1 am and my shift had needed. The band from before had just finished their set and headed somewhere. The manager wanted to see me before i left so i found him before i went to my car.

"Rosemary hi, you've got the job you handled everything beautifully so i'll give you a call we'll talk about some more things tomorrow okay" My now full time manager John shook my hand.

The smile on my face reached ear to ear and as i thanked him and shook his hand back.

I headed out the door and got pulled up by one of the boys from the band, which i now know is called Guns N Roses. It was their drummer,

"Hey pretty thing, you mind taking a few of these and just pining them around town on your way home? We just need some help getting them everywhere" He smiled at me.

"Oh yeah of course, you guys were amazing by the way" I wanted to compliment the whole band but i'm guessing they were in the car that was waiting next to him.

"Thanks so much, um what's your name sorry?"

"Shit sorry, i'm Rosemary you are?"

"Oh i'm Steven, anyway thanks a lot, we'll see you around babe"

He jumped in the car and me small wave goodbye as i walked off to my car, i didn't even read what these said but hey, anything to help someone out right?


I got to the hotel and got ready for bed, jeez that shift was exhausting but totally worth it. I picked up one of the flyers before i went to sleep just to see what i'd be pinning around tomorrow.

'Room mate wanted!
We don't care if your a girl or a boy just be 18 or over, you gotta like music and party's!
If this is you call us right now at this number ——'

Huh not too bad, a chance to live with some amazing rockstars, doesn't sound to bad. Plus i'm almost 19.

I'll give 'em a call in the morning.


Hey bbys,

I know this chapter itself isn't about Duff, but just hang on he'll be here very very soon!! These first few chapters just needed to be the building of Rosemary's character, hopefully they weren't too boring! And please don't forget to vote x

Iv also decided that i'll update every Sunday as it's easiest for me and works with my schedule!

Hope you all enjoyed x

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