Ill always protect my girl

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(tw- violence between man and woman/ violence in general, if this is uncomfortable for you please feel free to skip this chapter or skip the specific part (i'll put •• above the start and end)!)

——December 5th '85 

Work was going well, i was still getting the hang of things but i'd been getting more and more comfortable each day. It was inching closer to midnight; when the boys would be performing.

Today was spent getting to know more about Duff and just being in the presence of each other. Our bodies felt so natural together it was like our souls connected with each other, being around him feels so normal and safe, i never wanted it to end but yknow girls gotta make her money somehow.

Many a band had been performing tonight, a few familiar names. Meaning the whole bar was packed tonight i hadn't got a chance to take a quick breath before serving drunken people eager to go dance.

Midnight finally rolled around, our manager for tonight came onstage to announce the band.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a very popular band that go by the name of Guns and fuckin Roses". The whole club lit up with energy and excitement for the band.

The band started to introduce themselves like always, girls grabbing whatever body part they could manage of the men above them. A baseline was heard through the echoing brick walls as Duff plucked the strings of his bass.

I began nodding my head along to the music coming from the stage, it was hard to see over the hundreds of heads facing the stage however from a certain spot the boys were clearly visible, meaning i could see the looks being sent to by Duff.

I had helped choose the guys outfits for tonight, i did their hair and eyeliner. I specifically put Duff in something i knew would help him stand out besides his looks, i had him shirtless with tight leather pants on, three different belts different lay on his hips and a chain necklace around his neck.

My god he looked good, i mean yeah all five were hot as shit but Duff took it to next level. They were beginning to play their songs while i served already drunk men their whiskeys.

One men drunkenly walked towards me and my stomach instantly dropped, i didn't know him nor did i recognise him, however a quick look at him made me sick to my stomach. He sat down at an empty stool right infront of me and stared into my soul. I instantly felt in danger and decided to distract myself by serving another customer.

As i was mixing this other man's drink he was just talking about the band saying they 'were definitely one of the best he'd heard in a while', i smiled looking up to Duff who was watching me with a smile.


That was until my view faded as a tall man came in front of me, he was the same guy i felt scared off. I asked him what he wanted to drink, i thought maybe he's just desperate to be served. However i was wrong, the man slammed his fist on the dark wooden counter. His gold rings digging into the varnish, i tried keeping my composure and again asking what he wanted to drink.

Without breaking his eye contact he grabbed the empty glass cup sitting next to him and threw it right at me, it happened before i could even think. Giving me no time to react, i instantly felt a stinging pain along my neck and temple. Hot tears filled my eye as i looked at the man in disbelief, feeling warm blood run along my neck and face, i was unable to move or talk.

I stay in a state of shock for what felt like an hour, but i suddenly hear a loud "fuck off man" coming from up on stage, the loud crowd cheering unaware of what happened at the bar. The man begins to try climb into bar before being pulled to the ground buy a shirtless man with bleach blond hair. I could hear the hard punches being thrown to guy who attacked me.

I looked down seeing Duff getting up from bashing this guy but not before kicking the man right in the temple and spitting on him calling him "a fucking cunt man". I heard a coworker tell me the police were coming but i was still to in shock to realise what was even happening.


The rest of the band made their way to me and rushed me out of the building, Duff carrying me with my legs over his hips. I felt safe now but i began to cry again, not understanding why had that even happened to me? This guy didn't know me, i didn't do anything to him? Questions filled my head we drove to the hospital.

I insisted i was okay but the guys weren't buying it, Izzy and Axl were sitting in the front as Axl sped through the streets, i lay across Steven Slash and Duff in the back seat. Duff was keeping me calm while he was playing with my hair and training my facial features.

"i hate seeing tears in those beautiful green eyes Rosie" Duff said as he wiped away tears falling across my cheek.

"im sorry, i'm just in pain and i'm so confused" i said through hiccups.

"don't be sorry my girl, we're gonna get you fixed up and that man will go to jail okay, i promise you you'll always be safe with us" he assured with a smile.

I smiled as all the guys agreed to Duffs statement, we reached the hospital and we all got out of the car, Duff carrying me bridal style as the guys explained to a nurse what had happened.

We got rushed to a room where nurses got me changed and hooked up to fluids, luckily all i needed was a few stitches to wounds. The guys all sat around my bed to support me and Duff held my hand as they cleaned out the two deep wounds.

I was given happy gas as the stitches were done to distract me of the pain. The guys making me laugh talking about funny story's. Once everything was done it was decided i would stay the night for the nurses to keep an eye on me, however i was only allowed one guest in the room. The band went back to apartment while Duff stayed with me in the uncomfortable bed.

I was given a few tablets to ease my pain and started to drift off to sleep. I felt a light kiss on my forehead and few strokes on my hair.

"i'll always protect you my girl" whispered Duff as his thumb glided across my cheek.

I smiled at him opening my eyes a little to see him with his head nuzzled into my neck. I lifted his chin and he smiled up at me before giving me a long and loving kiss on the lips. We whisper our goodnight and both soon feel asleep.


Hi my angel's x

It has literally been weeks since i last updated, a lot has gone on so i thank you all for your patience!! I hope this chapter wasn't sad or uncomfortable for anyone xx

Hope you all enjoyed!! Please don't forget to vote x

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